When you say "An Historic", do you pronounce the "H"?
I always get confused because our interfaith chapel here at work has a quote over the door that says 'For thine house is an house"-- and I wonder if people pronounce it "'ouse".
Our Account manager here at work has decided she is only turning in paperwork to offices on Fridays now. Which is really annoying because we have to go through her for everything that our bosses ask us to order or process in terms of money. Bosses don't really understand "you will need to wait until Friday for it even to be ordered".
Also, WRT to the Social Security Database of names: William is such a name that has been popular for the past 40 years, never falling out of the top 20.
Sophia, I glide over the H in historic, it gets a breathe, but just barely. but History has a much more distinctive atch sound.
Awesome chair (may be slow to load): [link]
Sweet zombie Jesus. It just took me an HOUR what a user was doing wrong. Next time, I will ask for the screenshot FIRST.
I glide over the H in historic, it gets a breathe, but just barely. but History has a much more distinctive atch sound.
That is also how I roll.
::passes coffee through the internets to Kat:: you're a good mom.
Do any of you say "an house", because that is still just weird to me...
Speaking of computer users, we just had a woman fail a class because she had never configured Outlook on her computer, but was using it to send all of her papers to the professor. I found them all in the outbox, unsent. She also never responded to any of our emails, so I am not sure that she even knows how to use email or that you actually need an email address.
Tacos minus 1 hour, 15 minutes. This morning is moving too slowly.