If there’s a good career counseling center in a community college, not a bad idea to save money, do the exercises and get the expensive testing for $25 a credit or whatever, narrow things down, and use the saved bucks for a headhunter or targeted career counseling later. The COM had 3 or 4 MS or MA counselor/teachers. The class was big, like, 35 or 40. Mostly, it was doing the testing and exercises. The group benefit was seeing different people’s process, what worked and didn’t. A few people were repeaters because they loved taking the class.
Speaking of legless lizards, there's one in England known as a slow worm.
[link] Huh. The way to tell it isn’t a snake is that it has eyelids and snakes don’t. Who wants to get that close?
Eucalyptus leaves
The last part of this
[link] is about climbing here:
[link] It sounds hellish. Forest leeches, giant biting spiders that can take a chunk out of human flesh. Rough stuff.
I like Maud.
Lending credence to Plei’s theory, that was my great-aunt’s name, if you add an “e.” Born in 1891.
I'm waiting for Clara
I know one! 10 years old, lives in Paris with her mother. Her grandmother is a neighbor.
Salute to Sir Edmund. Amazing guy.
I'm waiting for Clara
I teach one, except she spells it Klara.
Peace be the journey, Sir Edmund.
So if I pretend I am on the East coast (and a better planner), I can go home?
The bad planning is in not being on the East Coast already!
....of course, I was in a meeting while you were probably still asleep, so you've got to take that into account, too.
....of course, I was in a meeting while you were probably still asleep, so you've got to take that into account, too.
Probably not, since I had to leave the house at 7:00, but close.
Leaving the house at 7 = yikes! No wonder your day is so long!
No wonder your day is so long!
Plus I had to sit in on two hours of ethics training when I got to work.
Evil. I assume.
Huh. The way to tell it isn’t a snake is that it has eyelids and snakes don’t. Who wants to get that close?
If there are not legs, I want no part of it. In fact, I want to hyperventilate and run really far away. Because they are clearly snakes. With delusions of lizardosity. But still snakes.
I hope.
Learned on tonight's Countdown: Merv Griffin's tombstone reads "I will not be right back after these messages."
Love it!