Watching Twin Peaks is making me want donuts. I really shouldn't walk over to DD tonight...
I just started watching my super-duper deluxe boxed set last night. My first question after it was over was about where to get donuts. Sadly, my housemate's only info on the subject involved Krispy Kreme.
That's just the thing. They all sort of look like snakeoil salesmen, or cheap recruiters.
I'm stuck.
I think ita left a copy of that at my place that I keep forgetting to return.
I remember flipping through it and feeling confused and in a math test sort of way. Definitely need to actually read it, though.
All my experience is as an admin to Extremely Difficult People. I just don't want to do that anymore. It's hurting me. I mean, it's definitely a weird skill set to have. I've been my boss' secretary for seven years, and prior to me, he'd chew up a secretary in less than a year.
Which is weird since I have no patience, tact, and often lose my shit.
I always read about execs looking for a "polished professional" which to me reads, "looks good in expensive suit and doesn't bite fingernails."
Allyson you have tremendous organizational skills.
I think the WGA should hire you to straighten their shit out.
Ima go to bed and think on it.
oooh. Forget to post that I babysat my niece today, who's a bit congested and therefore inconsolable. And I kept thinking, "sister, you should meet Gracie, she's got tubes and stuff and is WAY MORE CHEERY, SO BUCK UP, BUCKAROO."
Seriously, having spent so much time with Grace and Noah has totally jaded me. I can just scoop her up in one hand and bouncywalk her for hours on end. I'm all, "look, no wires! no scary alarms! PIECE OF CAKE!"
And yet, inconsolable. Good thing she's cute, I tells ya. Or out on the sidewalk for the coyotes for her.
Allyson, Hec is on to something. You'd be an awesome events planner, and I don't mean that in an empty-headed events-planner way. You are adept at dealing with People, and that's half of a good organizer. You are great networker, and that's a huge part too. And look at all of the things you've already feted---all of those huge fan-related things are cv-worthy. And you'd (like MM) have even more awesome stories to write about.
Still here. Why my friend wants to be a probation officer, I'll never understand but I wrote a nice recommendation & referral.
BWAH!! dcp, that is GREAT! I had no idea tortoises could be that fast. That guy is zippy.
Oh Noes! I started looking at lizards and guess what, my mistake, a skink is not a lizard. These are what was living with me: [link]
Allyson, this community college has a big, well funded career counseling dept. Maybe one down there does, too.
Click on the classes (the URL isn't changing), the Counseling 130 class had, like, a zillion dollars worth of free testing for whatever the cost of one class was, $30 or something. the full Meyers Brigg, the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory, and bunch of other things.