Hooray for house, tiggy! That looks pretty fantastic. Master bath! Shed! Yay!
When I make my bed I am pretty thorough, folding the top sheet over the blanket so it's displayed below the pillows, and arranging the bedspread and quilt and comforter on top of that so some of each is visible. I don't know how often I do that, less than half the time at a guess. It's nice to have the cover everything with the comforter option, but sometimes I just leave it all completely rumpled, which leads to the layers of warm things migrating off of my side of the bed somehow.
Gerard Way buttercream
I suspect I'm going to get one perfect brow raised at that way of putting it...
Tiggy, the house looks awesome. Fingers crossed for smooth closings!
I dig your kitchen cabinets, tiggy. Purty.
Who do you think dragged my white ass into this shit?
You! You ebil woman. I blissfully knew nothing about these boys before y'all indoctrinated me.
The Tijuana Estuary has a "legless lizard" and nothing will ever convince me it's just not a snake in lizard's clothing.
Wouldn't that be a lizard in snake's clothing?
Mice make me squeal. Rats make me shreik. Wee lizards make me go "awwwww"
Don't ask me how my brain differentiates that quickly. I should take those flickery tests and become a spy or something.
What do people do about "making the bed" when you get up?
Personally, I have a spouse who is obsessive about bed-making and does it every day and very well, too. Hey, works for me.
Wouldn't that be a lizard in snake's clothing?
It is clearly a snake, trying to pass in a lizard society.
It claims to be a lizard but it is lying its legless limbs off. It's a snake and therefore creepy and oogy.
I sleep in sweatpants and a t-shirt, because I come from the land of the old style of wood-frame houses. In college, a 75-woman dorm had to be evacuated in 2 minutes, because that was how long it took for the fire, once inside the wall, to turn the whole structure into a torch.
When you are used to late-afternoon naps, the better to facilitate your late-night studying, you get used to the idea of sleeping in clothes that firefighters are going to see you in. (Or maybe just the admins handling a drill.)