Chris Matthews Butters Up Giuilani: "Are You Being Screwed By The Press?"
On Thursday, Jan. 3, the night of the Iowa caucuses, Chris Matthews interviewed Rudy Giuliani live on MSNBC. "I noticed working with a lot of reporters, even mild-mannered reporters from New York," observed Mr. Matthews, "they don't like you much."
That observation set up the question that Mr. Matthews wanted to explore: "Are you being screwed by the press?" he asked.
Can we collectively tell Matthews to STFU?
I hope the new meds do something right, ita.
scare elizabethchloe off
tries to look scary, fails
Are we scary?
Looks like a federal grand jury is investigating the situation around the 13-year-old girl who committed suicide b/c of a MySpace hoax perpetrated by the parent of one of the girl's friends.
OK, first off, good. That mother who egged that on deserves all the scorn she's received and more. Some say people shouldn't approve of the same Internet revenge that she unleashed on that girl, I'm of the opinion that turnabout is fair play, at least for a while.
Now that that's out of the way, going to the link reminded me of a completely superficial question I've had for a while: Can someone explain to me why teen girls always make that duck-smoochie-face in their MySpace photos? It's really not attractive, IMO.
Are we scary?
Singularly, we are fluffy bunnies. Collectively, we may seem to be a gang of rabid killer rabbits.
hash browns, french fries, tater tots
Aeryn, Zoe, Buffy
F french fries
M tater tots
C hash browns (tater tots can serve the same purpose!)
Last night we invented tatertot tacos. We're still working out the particulars.
C french fries, F hash browns, M my sweet sweet tater tots.
"Are you being screwed by the press?" he asked.
Giuliani replied: "Only because I've spent years pissing them off."
Last night we invented tatertot tacos. We're still working out the particulars.
I'm intrigued. Tell me more.
t tries to figure out how to get tater tots for lunch
F = french fries, C = hash browns, M = tater tots
F = Buffy, C = Zoe, M = Aeryn
t edit
Nutty! I stand with you in tater tot solidarity!