I have 2 McDonalds within 7 minutes of my house (one's in a Walmart). But more impressive, I have 5 Tim Horton's (possibly 6) within the same 7 minute walk. 3 of them are in the same mall complex.
I am loving my TiVo. I have so much more crap TV to watch!
I think the writers strike is going to garner a lot of PBS-related posts from me... no tivo, no cable, dvd disinclination.
Oh look! A Meat House: [link]
Deleting for being cranky
Who is going to build the meathouse here?
Edit: Heh, too late, Kat!!
No, just reacting to something I'm watching on Frontline. Basically, it's about psych diags in kids and seems to have a bit of a slant towards the overdiag theory. And my personal filter is taking it wrong, I think. I do worry about that (I'm ridiculously resistant to drugs when my own person is involved.) Cause of my cousin and her fight to get effective psych care and coverage starting at 14 for severe bipolar, as well as some kids I've cared for who have really and truly needed what was tried starting when they were as young as 6, and the fight to get it. They weren't cases of overzealous diags or meds. So I get over-reacty at times.
There is high energy and moody and tantrums and then there is a 11 year old suicide.
There was a similar thing on an NPR show today.
No, just reacting to something I'm watching on Frontline.
I was going to say, I bet she's watching Frontline...
I really of two minds. I think the lack of studies on the effects on kids is terrifying. And I worry about over-diag in this pop-culture-Dr.Phil-self-diag age.I've seen kids overmedicated. But at the same time, I've seen real problems in people close to me that can't by any stretch be considered a case of over-diagnosis, and seen their battle to get effective treatment and, hell, acceptance.