ChiKat likes to mock me in my Chicagoese
I love your dialect! And, I totally noticed "the Jewels." Your dialect comes out mostly in word usage and phrasing, not so much in pronunciation. I do hear a Chicago dialect in your sound, but it's not a strong one. Like some Sout' Siders.
What is the code for murder, is it 813 or 817 or something? Procedurals is either at that or near it and it's cracking me up-mostly because I've been home taking care of Mr. Jane all day and am in need of entertainment.
Supposedly in LA it's 187, but I don't know if that's even true. Everything I know about murder codes, I learned from Snoop Dogg.
I may say "Jewel" but I know what a gratch key and a fronch room are.
Gratch keys are hardly existent anymore, what with gratch door openers being so prevalent.
We never had a fronch room, just a living room.
If I recall from my software testing days, 187 is correct
OK, I get gratch = garage
so fronch=front?
How does one test software for murder?
yes but it's only pronounced that way in conjunction with room. It's really all one word, fronchroom.
How does one test software for murder?
Oh no! Has Vista finally killed?