FNLdeer loward:
Riggins with baby Gracie in a pink jumper. Riggins being all protective of Julie. BUT RIGGINS AND BABYFLYING.
My feet are cold even after a hot soak. It isn't even as cold as last night and I have frozen feet that are making my legs ache. I hate winter.
Crap. Our rough/ceiling are leaking. We're on day one of 3 days of rain.
Upside? I'm renting and don't own this money pit!
Called the landlord (who is actually quite good about responding to complaints). Nothing they can do tonight. he suggested we get a bucket
Any San Franciscans around?
I am here! I have power!
Sorry about the roof leakage, Kat.
Our office leaks, and then gets moldy. It's been a fun day.
Any Sushi suggestions? A friend of mine is in the city looking to go to dinner.