ND and I aren't actors. We are far worse than that. We are Sound!
Yes, I am very familiar with ND's amazing sound prowess. Actually, I am in awe of his talent.
I lament my lack of sound ability. I got sucked into lighting quite a bit. These days day's I am 'just' a lowly Drama teacher. (which seems to translate into "chief cook and bottle washer")
Sorry you are dealing with "problem people," Omnis!
(((Nora))) I'm so sorry. Funerals for the young are just so awful.
Oh Nora, I am so, so sorry. That is a terrible thing for anyone to have to go through. All of the punctuation for you.
Omnis is this the same needy designer you've been dealing with for the past few weeks?
Actually, its not the Sound Designer. Their are projection "slides" in the show giving titles to each scene. Set Designer didn't spec a system in. TD uses our generic simple system. Now Set Designer is all wanting of Keynote abilities. And since I'm the one triggering, I get the "we want" crap. I've done the bad thing of saying, "All I do is trigger the cues given to me. That's a scenic element". Plus the SM is being an ASS. If I hadn't spoke up, she was about to do the following: call tech in at noon. call actors in at 12:30. Do tech notes starting at noon. Actor notes backstage at 12:30. At 1:15, the actors came back from a 10 min break to start teching things again... which means the next break wouldn't be for another 90 minutes. Soooo? Our board ops don't get a break for 3 hours? Actually more since we were doing notes before hand??? I DON"T THINK SO! So this is the shit I'm putting up with. I haven't exploded... yet.
I'm so sorry, Nora. Loss is always painful, but it is particularly tough when it is someone so young.
Sounds like time to do some killin'.
Sounds like time to do some killin'.
I keep asking Mark if he brought me a large caliber gun... fool keeps not getting me one.