But, you know, it's nice, this fancying thing - even if I later realise that he's Not That Bright/Not Remotely Into Me/Secretly A Cylon/Whatever.
Secretly a Cylon? Do you know how exceptionally cool that would be? You could have your Cylon, and I could keep hoping for a lovely little hobbit hole of my very own.
All I heard from her was a bunch of giggling. (I'm still in Idaho.)
I have given up looking for chicks on OKCupid (I can't complain 'They never write me back!' because I hardly ever do either) and answered an email from a boy. I was intrigued because the "other people like this" strip included a guy who I already know and love. I have gone so far as to invite him to a party on Saturday. I can't decide if I am saucy and bold or blind and stupid.
Saucy and bold! Saucy and bold!
He's busy on Saturday but we might be meeting for lunch next wednesday.
just learned an interesting bit of information for work. Apparently the long days that is normal for tech rehearsals have been shortened this week. Rather than working 10 out of 12 hours for 2 days and 8 out of 10 for the third, all three days are straight 6 hour days. Sooo... like Wheee! I get out early!! Buuuuutttt... Fuck! We gotta do 28 hours of work in 18 hours. Really not sure if I should be happy or sad.
IOmeN, I feel all 'pat on the back' for the best Sound Design delegating of duties to minions I've ever done. The time consuming, find source material tasks I delegated out, while I was working on other things. When I got the tracks, I whipped them all into shape in like 15-20 minutes, and 1st rough draft was approved with minor changes! Squee! I gotta design like this more often! Must Have Ass'ts!!!
OK, sorry for taking up bandwidth. But it was a happy realization as I drove home, and we need to share more happy news to fight back evil March! Take that! POW!
O ya, MM, saw a great license plate this morning, and was hoping it was you moved back to LA. It read "KRP2NYT"
Omnis, I'm very happy you have good news to share. We do need more of it.