Oh, crap, Drew. The body does tend to rebel after little sleep and working so hard. I'm sorry- I hope it clears up quickly and you're able to finish this cruise in relative comfort. And perhaps you can take off a sick week when you return. I know it probably seems impossible, but your health comes first and you may need to weigh the loss of a week preventing something full blown that may lay you out for several weeks.
Yes, I'm spending as much time passed out in my cabln as is possible. I've got antibiotics now so hopefully the infection will start to turn quickly. Right now I just have no energy. I ran out of steam about half way through dinner last night and just had to get up and head back to my cabin. Thankfully the task I was able to do yesterday involved rebuilding the show in my cabin on a computer so it was much easier to deal with the fever and chills there.
I finally get off the ship on the 23rd, and right now I've got about 5 days off when I get home. The director has a sinus infection as well, and I'm just waiting to see who is the next to drop.
Glad you're able to get some cabin time and hopefully let the antibiotics do their thing.
also bored at the business expo. the next person to name drop my boss' grandfather gets swag in the face.
the next person to name drop my boss' grandfather gets swag in the face.
See, on the one hand, swag. On the other, in the face. Tough choice.
Happy birthday, tommyrot!
See, on the one hand, swag. On the other, in the face. Tough choice.
Also depends on the swag.
Cute little plush toys ala Beanie Babies? No sweat.
Commemorative ninja throwing stars...?
of course the instant I hit post, boss gets here joe i'll be there closer to 5
Susan, thank you so much!
Go, GC!
I have apparently won the approval of my boss and one of my colleagues for what my boss terms "extreme courtesy under duress" and the colleague calls "very polite sarcasm." (Long story--suffice it to say they were cc'ed on a slapdown.)
Little do they know that everything I know about delivering excruciatingly polite insults I learned from long-dead Englishmen. Though some days it sucks that pistols or swords at dawn aren't an option.
But "very polite sarcasm" can be more fun - you can do it over and over to the same person!