Best possible outcome wishes for Byron.
I'm sorry about the insomnia, Susan. I've suffered from insomnia most of my life and it sucks. DH falls asleep in under 30 seconds and I just don't get it. The brain just won't shut off for me. It has been a bit better lately. Giving up coffee and being dead exhausted after getting up so early every day may have contributed.
All kinds of ~ma for Byron, Kristin, and for you.
I would be all "stop the presses, a date has (sorta) been set to go out with the GILF!"
But at this point, I am not holding my breath that my response of "yes, thursday is great" won't be returned by (a) "oh, sorry, thursday is bad now" (what happened last time we TRIED to get together) or (b) "great, I'll invite sixteen other people and we'll have dinner with them and my daughter and grandbaby" (which is what happened last time we actually got together)
Ah well.
Oh Meara, I know it's not what you need right now, but you're making me laugh.
(((((Kristin and Byron))))))
Heh. S'okay, javachik, I know it's entirely ridiculous. What's a girl to do to get some drama in her life? :)
Hugs and -ma for Kristin and Byron.
I think juliana and libkitty might appreciate this tech support call.
I think juliana and libkitty might appreciate this tech support call.
Oh, indeed. Heh.
Kristin, much ~ma to Byron.
much ma for Byron and for you too, KristinT.
In kitty news on the opposite side of the spectrum, we've decided to adopt Taz ( this guy). We are pretty excited about it- hopefully all will go well and we can get him home on Saturday. I can't wait!