Sorry to hear about the H&R Block non-appointment, Stephanie. That sucks.
If only that had been the worst part. We owe the federal government several thousand. PR is supposed to give us almost the same amount back - except it will takes months to get OUR money back because that's how things work here.
sorry about the allergies, vw. The vets always sets mine off and they generally aren't that bad.
Oh, Stephanie! That's so frustrating.
yeah, the "good" part was where he said, "Well, if you lived in PR, you would owe $19,000 in taxes." Um, yay? I don't know what happened this year with our taxes. I guess my working - maybe my withholding was screwed up but I don't think so.
"Well, if you lived in PR, you would owe $19,000 in taxes."
Project Runway
is a
Owing that much is fierce.
"Well, if you lived in PR, you would owe $19,000 in taxes."
Wow, Project Runway is a bitch.
"Auf Wiedersehn. Sucker."
Hec, once again, you bring enlightenment and joy to my life.
This is a totally new to me word. And I appreciate the non-agreement with the skeevy appelation.
So, question: do people who are residents of PR not pay fed taxes? What do they get out of not having representation? (Obviously, DC you are screwed because you're just like everyone else, but no rep. I'm hoping PR gets *something* out of no reps)
In other news, I am cracking up over here. The GILF replied to my email (where I asked "What does it take for a girl to get on your complicated planned months in advance color coded schedule?"). And it started with "Well, first we have to assign you a color, and then tell (person who is apparently coordinating the schedule)" and I just started laughing and laughing. I suddenly feel like I'm asking to join the Manson Family or a cult or something. WTF?