i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake
But she soooooooo is...
But she soooooooo is...
Maybe your boss and my boss should be the ones that go out to lunch together?!?
will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake i will not tell my boss she's a flake
I'll tell your boss she's a flake!
HEY! JULIANA'S BOSS! Yeah, dat's right. You? You're a FLAKE! You're Frosted Flakes. No, wait. You're off-brand Frosted Flakes, the ones that come in a plastic bag, not a box, and they don't have a tiger, they have a lion on the bag saying "Thhhheeeeyyy'rrrrrre Passable!" You're part of a balanced nutritional breakfast of Flakiness!
You're not snowflakes, which are pretty, but you're like potato flakes which look like snow but taste like ass when you catch one on your tongue!
You're flakes of asbestos clogging the lungs of decent efficiency! You're flakes of soot or something smudging the clarity of...windows and...
There you go. Have a nice day.
Maybe your boss and my boss should be the ones that go out to lunch together?!?
Quite possibly, and then we could get a lot of work done without their RANDOM FUCKING INTERRUPTIONS AND PANIC ATTACKS OVER NOTHING!!!
smooches MM
How many people leave a cash tip in their hotel room for the housekeepers?
I don't know how this works. How much are you supposed to leave? I mean, certainly not 15%.
I'm not sure what the official rule is (or whether there even is ONE official rule, or just a lot of conflicting guidelines), but I usually leave between $5 and 10 for every night that I stayed.
Though now I'm all worried that I usually leave that in a lump sum on the nightstand when I check out, but if it's different people working different shifts then maybe the person who took care of my room after the first night got shafted? So I should leave a smaller but fresh tip every morning? Or, with all the different shifts and some places having policies about pooling tips, does it all eventually even out?
Excuse me, please. I now have to run to every hotel I've ever stayed in and tip all the cleaning staff, just in case.
I try to leave a few dollars each day I stay in a hotel, but I'm not very consistent because some days I have no cash or only twenties.
I know that with shift changes the same person might not be doing the room every day, so I've tried to leave money every day.
I've read it's best to leave money every day, but in general if you leave it at the end of the stay, it'll probably even out with other guests, no?
I've read it's best to leave money every day
Do you then leave a note, or how do they know it is money for them and not money you left out?