I just realized that I forgot to take my lunch out of my messenger bag and put it in the fridge at work. It's an entirely vegetarian pasta dish--no cheese, just a sauce of olive oil, tomato, olives, capers, basil, and maybe a little balsamic vinegar. I took it out of the fridge at home about four hours ago.
Will eating it give me food poisoning?
Nope. You should be fine.
Thanks, Aimee. I'll nuke it but good just to satisfy my irrational food safety paranoia.
Susan, that should be fine.
Oh, and Nora gave me tea because it was too early for beer.
That doesn't sound like me! If it's too early for beer... go back to bed!
But am pleased nonetheless to be in your dream, Laura.
Aw, {{PC}}. Having to deal with Comcast when having a tough week is THE WORST. In between traipsing off to funerals and such, we had intermmitant phone service and it was a PITA to deal with when all you want to do is go to bed.
Hubby update:
He's at least not having surgery today, and he sounds so much perkier after a day of not vomiting. He's bored to tears though. Thank god the hospital has cable. He's been catching up on Discovery Channel.
The doctor on call is being run ragged and hasn't been to see him today, so he toddled over to the nurse's station for news. Nurse said, correctly, "I can't give you that information before the doctor talks to you." Hubby: "Can you let me see the x-ray from this morning?" "I can't interpret it for you." "That's OK, I can." (Hubby has peered at so many X-rays over the years that he's getting pretty good at reading them, especially his own. The X-ray techs think he's a retired radiologist, and they asked him for a consult once. He hasn't corrected them, and he was able to point at something and say, "Should that shadow be there?", which made the techs decide to call the specialist quicker than they were going to. I told Hubby he should have charged a consulting fee.)
Anyway, the blockage is still there, it hasn't gotten worse, the pain is way down, he's there until "things" begin moving. As I told him, "They're still waiting for the Liquid Plumber to do it's thing, and as of now they don't see a need for the Roto Rootr guy." That got me an eye-roll and a grudging admittance that the metaphor fits.
So after work I find my old laptop, dig up the Dungeon Siege CDs, eat something out of his sight (he's on Nothing By Mouth), then we watch MythBusters together.
Scrappy, I think that is exactly how Mike Rowe would pick somebody up.
ETA: He is undeniably cute, but I have to admit I didn't really get it till I saw him say "I do this 'cause I'm a moron," or something like that. Somehow, that just kills me. And the tribute to his dad. Aw.
Mike generally says something like, "My father must be so proud seeing me do this" or "My mom keeps asking what I do for a living, I hope she doesn't see this."
I enjoy the bloopers when he just starts laughing at himself.
You could do my narrative comments, but I could definitely NOT configure your database.
Driving back to the office I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion that your database would probably make more sense than my narrative comments. My comments would likely result in tears or lawsuits.
I'd try and convince you the lunch was unsafe, Susan, but only if I was close enough to steal it for my own consumption.
That doesn't sound like me! If it's too early for beer... go back to bed!
It was offered, but I requested tea due to the hour. Odd the parts we remember in dreams.
Also, yay for no invasive procedures! Sorry hubby is bored, but better than being bored. So to speak.
I have a callback
Le woot!!! Let me know when and maybe we can meetup after.
K-Bug and all her school mates are in the middle of a walkout. The local school district is making DEEP cuts into the budget for next year - no music for 1-3rd grades, no sports for high school beyond football, softball, baseball and basketball, talk of combining the high schools....
I feel horrible about the school situation, but then I look at the school district where CJ will be next year and I'm so glad we are moving.