I'm going to tip something wet and alcoholic in his memory tonight. And then retire my oldest twenty-sider.
I think you should definitely name a character Gary, Laga.
I'm pretty sad about it. That man's game, and the hobby it spawned, have had a more profound effect on my life than probably anything else. I can't think of anything else I've been doing as long as I have been gaming.
Using computers and the Internet. That's about it.
OK, I just realized I have good news!
The new owners of the house we're renting closed yesterday and got in touch with us today. Y'all may remember that I was stressed about this because our lease ends 3/31, so there was all sorts of stress and uncertainty. Anyway, they're only raising the rent by $25/month, and they want to come by on Saturday to meet us and so we can show them any concerns we have about the house. I'm pleasantly surprised, because our rent is on the low side for such a large 3-bedroom in a convenient location, but we couldn't have afforded a big increase. Now I feel like it's worth kind of settling in and doing more with the place, and that we may get our goal of staying here another 2 years until we hope to be in a good position to buy.
I've known this for two hours, but it's only starting to sink in as good news. What with the running on 4 1/2 hours of sleep and stressing about election results, I'm not quite firing on all cylinders tonight.
Great news, Susan! I know what a relief it must be.
Yay good news! I think I have some too. Roomie tells me the brothers who want to share our spare room will be giving me rent money tomorrow.
Yay for mild rent raises!
Every seminar I attended today referenced D&D, and I don't think any of the presenters knew Gygax had died. It's just that D&D is the forefather of computer gaming, which is the engine of emergent technologies.
I have my problems with Gygax's system, but damn, huge cultural impact.
Examples: Sun's Chief Gaming Officer (what a job) talked about how we are the first generation of gamers raising gamers.
The PMOG folks riffed that Russell Crowe's character in A Beautiful Mind would be immune to Daze and Magic Missile.
The MAKE magazine team talked about how to level up and increase your INT.
also, this is possibly the wrong answer to "What should I get the person who has everything?" [link]
Oh, shoot! I forgot tomorrow is Character Day at the school I work at. Hmmm...wonder what I can create out of what I have at home. I really meant to plan something.