Teppy, this COMM of yours speaks for me:
Here's the thing about "lol" -- I'd say that at least 50% of the time I see it used, it's used in a context that doesn't make any sense to me. Like, it's supposed to indicate that someone is (at the very least) amused, if not literally laughing out loud, right? So then why do people write things like:
"So then I just put my jim shooz on lol and laced them up and went to the grocery store lol!"
Because -- WHAT THE FUCK IS FUNNY ABOUT THAT?!? I have a good sense of humor, goddammit! But your excessive and a-contextual "lol"s are driving me apeshit!
Ahem. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
Each day, I see more and more people using "LOL" as a punctuation mark, and forget about the apostrophe catastrophe; don't...even......get..me,..started....on . . ..ellipsis....abuse..
Ahem ... I are lazy and no want to google. Who is Gary Gygax?
passes Joe smelling salts, for this will surely cause him to pass out
My darling Empress, Gary Gygax is the man who created D&D. Who pretty much created the fantasy role-playing game industry, and is thus indirectly responsible for my meeting Pete.
and is thus indirectly responsible for my meeting Pete.
Of course, this means you'll have to bring him back as a zombie to thank him.
Ahem ... I are lazy and no want to google. Who is Gary Gygax?
passes Joe smelling salts, for this will surely cause him to pass out
No, no...I'm fine. Aimee's dork ignorance is my cross to bear.
Fortunately, I rolled a natural 20 on my strength test.
Okay, so what's the best way to get a cop to sign off on a Fix-It Ticket? I'm getting my taillight replaced right now, but I have to show it to someone by the end of the week. How does it work? I called a police station, and he told me to just find a police officer on the street. I try to avoid police officers! How am I supposed to go
for one? When I find one, do I have to do anything else after they sign off on it? My ticket has the address of the local courthouse on it.
No, no...I'm fine. Aimee's dork ignorance is my cross to bear.
narrows eyes
Consider it being even for you not knowing who invented the New Look or what it even was.
We all have our crosses. *smooch*
Boss loves me. He brought me a Coke.
Consider it being even for you not knowing who invented the New Look or what it even was.
The who with the what now?
Wait, wait...Christien Dior?