I slept really badly, got up really early, drove 88 miles (round trip) to get my bro and SiL from SiL's parents' house, visit my dad, drop bro and SiL at airport, and come home. I stopped at the gym to work out before coming home, and I am WIPED. I'm eating some leftovers, and then I'm going to nap, since I took the whole day off work.
But first....
Fay, you look AMAZING. And I hope you don't recoil in horror when I say that this photo of you made me do a double-take, because for a split second, I thought it was a picture of me (my cheeks are doing that lovely apple thing when I smile these days, and I still think of myself as blonde, so I saw that picture and was all "Buh? Why does Fay have a picture of....oh, right, that's her. Carry on!").
I'm definitely on the side of going to notify the Dean of Students, vw.
Vortex, maybe you need to try a different approach to this whole presentation thing: [link]
Oh man, that sounds like a lot of fun. Hee.
Fay, You look amazing!
KT, I can't wait to hear how things go with Tony Kushner.
omnis...baby pict killed me ded.
much ~ma to all in need.
I saw mention of 'friending' on LJ...if anyone is interested I'm ms_tate (I'm really hoping that isn't reading as desperate and lame as it seems to look as I wrote it)
GG is awesome and should be friended.
vw, I left a comment in your LJ, but let me just say that this is not a situation that you should delay reporting. You should also not tutor this student at all from this point on. Please don't do so out of a sense of duty.
Good lord, vw. I'm with everyone else who says to report this kid and end the tutoring relationship now -- especially any one-on-one meetings.
Vortex, I'm sorry your boss is so wrong-headed.
It might be kind of fun to force said boss to participate in PowerPoint Karaoke.
I made the mistake of clicking on another article linked from that one. And now I'm having an existential meltdown about my the way my life has gone. I'ma be over here in the meltdown corner, having melted chocolate. Clearly that is the best remedy. That and a nap before work.
Kitty is extremely dehydrated (which I knew). I planned to not let them admit her as I knew it would be awful for her, but the vet said she's seen cats at this stage get rehydrated and live for years after. So I left her (with many tears). Now I'm home bawling like an idiot. I hate to think of when the end actually comes. Too much sickness and death lately.