And it's a good thing I didn't call in today like I was sorely tempted to. Co-worker has called off again and Boss informed me that he's going to be "giving" her a couple of days off after today. Which means I get piled on.
She's going through a rough time of it, for sure. And Lord knows pregnancy is hard, but she is
Tony Kushner is going to be at my school tomorrow...holy crap
Holy crap, indeed. Angels in America is amazing.
I woke up early full of anxiety. I think I prefer gronk.
t mememe
Yes, Fay, you SHALL go to the ball!
t /mememe
Curse you, evil blocking software! You block me from seeing Fay's photos! Curse you to hell!
I have no blocking software Emily & can tell you (because I'm helpful like this) that Fay Fashion Fotos rock!
::runs away::
I knew they would. I could feel their rockingness through the link.
Wow, Fay! You look amazing.
WOWZA! Ah-ooooga! It's not just the food that's hot in Thailand!
Thank you! I felt pretty jolly proud of myself, I must say, getting tarted up like a, well,
and tottering off out alone into Bangkok like Billy No Mates to get into a taxi and head off to a hotel where I was to join my pal S & her husband & various other people I'd never set eyes on in my life.*
I was even wearing
I don't DO heels, and by the standards of the properly heel-wearing crowd they were doubtless poor pitiful things, but in the world of me, they were definitely heels. And very nice too.
Also, I danced. Craply, in a painfully English, really-do-need-another-7-vodkas-before-I-can-begin-to-look-relaxed kind of way, no doubt, but still - dancing is also something I don't, as a rule, do. So bloody well done me!