Blergh. Hec called this morning to report that the car had died just after the Bay Bridge -- coolant all gone, either boiled away due to some sure-to-be-expensive problem or just leaked away because the guys we paid $300-something to a couple of weeks ago didn't put the cap on tight enough. When last heard from, he and Emmett were waiting for the CalTrans folks to give them a lift so Emmett could get to school. And since then... nothing. He's not answering his phone either.
So now I'm all fretful about the miserable commute they had, and how much this will cost us (and whether our credit card can stretch enough to cover it, because no way do we have the cash), and how stressed out they'll both be when they get home, and how this pretty much kills any chance of making it to the F2F.
Also, the internets at work ran away for a couple of hours.
Bad Friday. Very bad! Shame, Friday, shame!
{{{JZ and Hec}}} Cheap car fixing ~ma.
I was at the grocery store - I remembered fernet. I did not remember sponges or ant traps
Car ma~~ JZ and co
if boboseeottintotten is a hand-slapping game then I used to play it but I have forgotten how it goes... something about itty bitty otten totten boom boom boom boom?
What's Doggy Doggy Dare?
We also used to play Statue Maker and Ghost in the Graveyard (a Kick the Can variant)
Apparently the FDA has ordered all remaining stockpiles of the original live Smallpox vaccine Dryvax destroyed by today.
Laga, my bobo friend! Yes, that is it. My cousin and I played it to death and I still remember it.
Doggy Doggy Dare was a food game in which one person would put various ingredients in a spoon, the other person would have to eat it (blindfolded or eyes closed) and name what was in it. I remember pickle juice being a fun ingredient.
Yikes JZ! ~ma all the way up to the bay (area).
I am home from fun barium test. The xray dude said I did great. Yay. Lots of fun twisting around trying to coat my innards with the stuff. Now I am home waiting for it all to come out. Ya, fun!
As I stare at my turkey and gravy I wonder if the previous post should be labelled NSFL... not safe for lunch
I gotta say o_a, that does not sound like my kind of fun.
King of the mountain is the only game I played. We did a lot of snow fort war type games and outside stuff. Red Rover. If we had to be inside it was card and board games.
{{JZ and family}} Eeep! Cheap fix ~ma. The last time I took the Jetta it was A/C and radiator issues, either of which could have been the very big bucks. Both were silly little cheap fixes. I wish you same.
The Brendons are still out of town. Bobby and I went out to dinner. (yay happy hour) We ran into my back door neighbor that I never see because we are so crazed out with her kids. We put the boys in one booth and visited in the other. Yay!
we lived on a cul de sac and in the winter (when we were lucky) the snow plow would make a pile in the center of the court that we would turn into a fortress.