I have
finished a draft of my personal statement for the Chaucer seminar. I sent it to a sympathetic colleague for a proof and feedback and am paralyzed with the fear that she will say it sucks and needs to be completely rewritten.
I don't have a rewrite in me. I really don't.
My sister (the younger one, not the one in China) writes nearly all of her emails in lolspeak and it drives me BATTY because I *know* she can write well and professionally when she tries. Such as when she's sharing her students' artwork online - those emails include friends and family AND colleagues and former professors, and are written just beautifully, with not only correct spelling and punctuation, but elegantly constructed sentences and intelligent word choices. So when I get a personal email in lolspeak it makes me want to scream WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEE?? WHY THE LOLS?????? WHYYYYYY??????
ND, are you recording until 10 again?
I don't think I'll be stuck here until that late tonight. We're doing mutant effects right now and once they are in decent shape I'm going to try to duck out of here. I'm really dragging today since my days have just been too long.
Oh good. Well I'm quickly modifying and copying a test for tomorrow, and then I'm heading home. I'll probably be there around 6:30 or 7.
The one that bugs me is chatspeak/lolz in business emails. I have a sales rep that insists on doing it in all her emails. It bugs me to no end.
I give the 16-year-old crap about it when she sends me text messages and she gives me crap right back about my lame texting skills because I use punctuation and spell out things even on my BlackBerry.
Hopefully I'll be getting home around the same time. That's my plan at least.
We went to Applebees for dinner, thanks to a gift certificate from TCG's mom. My cosmopolitan was lousy and cost nearly $8. I'm glad I wasn't paying for it with my own money. How does one make a cosmo that tastes like lemonade?
DawnK -
Olympic-grade Lurker
Wow, did that freak me out. For a brief second I was like "Is my sister on the list?" Then I remembered, she's married now, so it would be DawnM.
My Uncle does LOLspeak but worse. Thing is, he doesn't do it to be like LOLspeak, he does it because he is a horrible, single finger, hunt/peck typist, so he is very lazy. But there are times I have to read his e-mails out load several times to try and figure out what the heck he is saying. ANNOYING.
I say this in all love...I hate you!!!!!! I'm jealous of you!!!!!!
I'm with Gadget Girl on this one. Dude! Not only are you in an AWESOME studio, but like, you get custom made, top notch foley effects! Dude!!! :: envy ::
U ppl r funny.
That is what 99% of the e-mails from my tutoring students look like. It's crazy-making.
Your tutoring students say you are funny? Jeez, thats not very nice. Unless you are doing the Comedy Club tutoring thing, so you do English lessons in joke format so they remember the info.
Question is -- sausage and mushroom or chicken and bacon?
Sausage, hold the 'shrooms. Thou the chicken/bacon sounds interesting. Haven't had that combo before.
I've chowed down on thin mints. nom nom nom.
I just polished off the 2nd half of a Penut Butter Sandwhich box. Tho, I shared with office mates, so... but ya. nom nom nom. Stupid Girl Scouts, gonna make me fat again.
Meeting actually went well with corner office dude. OMG! Never happens. So, to celebrate, I'm leaving early. Gonna take PCH home and watch the sunset during my commute.
I know that you were all wondering what I went with -- sausage and mushroom. And now I want another piece, and I'm too lazy to get up and have another.