IIRC it is on the left side. There are about 4 or 6 channels not installed, so blank plates are in the place. On the lower section, where the faders would be, is a sharpie sig with date. I wanna say June 1983. But not sure.
Huh, must not be this console, it's fully loaded.
I'm here making supper between bouts of sinking in my chair that has failing pneumatics.
I'm watching the Mighty Boosh backstage documentary. Charming.
I'm fighting to stay awake in the back of the studio. Please let dinner arrive soon.
I just got my Tivo working upstairs. Next is getting the DVD player to work, but not tonight. Actually I'm thinking it isn't going to work with this tv, but I'm going to try to work a miracle.
I miss my Tivo. I also miss my Kristin. Not in that order either.
I don't want to do dishes. Can someone magically do them?
ok. thanks!
(if only it was that easy)
Sparky, I'm glad it's just a cold. This extra-strength ick is terrible.
Fay, any relief in sight?
Heh, that was the crux of the Fernet discussion we had with our friends over the weekend. I guess it cured L's horrible ick.
I've found it cures just about anything. I tried to drink some last night, but it was too harsh on my throat.
Aimee, I'm sorry for your coworker. I say you hit him with the worst (best?), most painful smiting in the history of smiting. Making his pecker shrivel up and fall off is a good start.
DH had a come to Jesus phone call with our realtor.
I was wondering if she'd been impaled on the "For Sale" sign yet. I hope the mold issue resolves itself quickly.
Congratulations on DH's raise! It's always good to know one's appreciated.
MM, no killing of small children or animals. I don't want to have to kill you the next time I'm in Michigan. Dear Sister L might have something to say about that, as well. Do you really want to make two Italian women with tempers angry?
>Is that the one where Rupert Neve signed the mixing console? took me forever to figure out who it was. The whole time being "what idiot sharpied the mixing console?" Oh! The guy who made it. Cool!
::perks up ears::
Google and Wikipedia, here I come.
It might be, it's a Neve in this room.
How? My entire family is on the East Coast or in Europe at this moment.
::blinks again::
Oh right, it's not always about me and mine.
Though I wonder why I've never heard of him. It's not like the last name is all that common.
Maria, are you feeling any better? I hope your -itises clear up quickly.
It comes and goes. I've been alternating napping with easy work stuff today. The evening's always the worst.