No, fruit isn't forbidden - but it's just berries that are recommended during the Ongoing Weight Loss period - which is where I'll be at for the next year or so. (I had strawberries yesterday, actually - they're in season at the moment, and yummy like woah.)
Good Calories, Bad Calories,
it was, by Gary Taubes. And, I should make it clear, my current predicament is entirely due to experimenting outside the parameters of Dr Atkins' list of foods - evidently Protein Powder shakes
do not agree with me. Not one little bit.
Anyway, if I'm still feeling dodgy tomorrow I'm going to resort to prunes, I think - no point trying to stay on plan whilst not being well. Get fixed, then get back on plan.
No, fruit isn't forbidden - but it's just berries that are recommended during the Ongoing Weight Loss period.
Ah, I was going to suggest pears and figs. You have my sympathy. Adding a multivitamin to my diet a couple of week ago left me in a similar predicament.
Good Calories, Bad Calories, it was, by Gary Taubes
I thought so. I was reading In Defense of Food the other day and the author mentions that book a couple of times, both good and bad references. I thought you might be interested.
Maria, so sorry you've got your fill of -itis-es. So far, my ick is just a cold so no blame on you.
Everyone feel better!
Methinks it might just burn whatever this is out of my system.
Heh, that was the crux of the Fernet discussion we had with our friends over the weekend. I guess it cured L's horrible ick.
Happy birthday Gadget Girl!
I am an idiot. I was all proud of myself for leaving this morning early enough that I would be able to get a tea before therapy. Only, when I got there, no wallet. I'm glad I at least had my passport and my checkbook, because I was able to cash a check and buy myself lunch.
I still have 45 minutes before I can leave, and in the meantime I'm feeling all bloated and irritable, and people are being wrong all over the internet.
People are being wrong all over my life. Last week one of my cow-orkers kept talking about how Obama is Muslim. His cube-neighbor is in fact Muslim and was like "Dude, chill."
Then yesterday, the daycare manager was saying the same thing. I commented, "He converted" as I was passing through, and was informed that "Muslims can't ever convert. He's lying."
I thought...well, a lot of things, but opted to bite my tongue. It's not like this guy's going to vote anyway, and if he doesn't it won't be for the Democratic nominee.
Oh, Raq, I feel your pain. My hostess in St. Thomas went on and on and on about that. As a matter of fact, she's so convinced about this that she's convinced herself it's all a conspiracy to turn America into a Muslim nation...that's the only reason the Muslim's haven't killed Obama, is because his "conversion" is a hoax and all part of the greater plan.
Poor sj! I hope the rest of your day goes better.
"Muslims can't ever convert. He's lying."
Wouldn't you have to, oh, BELIVE in a religion to assert that someone cannot convert from it?
Ok. Is this brown and white or brown and blue? [link]