Oh, I remember the Malitol quite well. I was not as enamoured of it, though.
Fernet- we were at a couple-friends' house this weekend and they were showing some pictures on the iPhone (which... WANT) and I come across a picture of Fernet Braca (??? spelling on the second word) and apparantly they are obsessed with finding some. I guess it is not readily available here in New England.
I was not as enamoured of it, though.
...do I dare ask for clarification?
Thanks for all of the job~ma yesterday. The open house went well, Joe said. Typical open house type thing. Application, brief intro, brief interview. Hopefully, he'll have a callback this week for a "real" interview.
...do I dare ask for clarification?
Oh, you know, just along the lines of what you were using it for. Since I wasn't having any problems, it was not as welcome a situation. I had to avoid it after figuring out that's what had me running to the bathroom early and often.
Spanish test. Ick. Over. Still processing in Spanish. Lost English words. Must refind before next class.
Dónde están los pronombres?
Proof that Juliana and Suzi are doing their part -- from the Wikipedia entry on Fernet:
More recently, it has become very popular in San Francisco, which now consumes more Fernet-Branca per capita than any other locale in the world.[1] The local bars often serve Fernet as a shot followed by a ginger ale chaser.[1]
Oh, you know, just along the lines of what you were using it for. Since I wasn't having any problems, it was not as welcome a situation.
Ah - yes, I see how that would be No Fun At All. Happily I had been forewarned about the side effects of maltitol prior to purchasing the chocolate, and have been very very sparing with it...up until today, when the side effects suddenly became The Best Thing Evah.
t /unsalubrious talk