Skirt 2 is probably better. I mean, it's unlikely enough that I'll wear it, it might as well be the fancier one. And I think I prefer pants #1 -- this is exactly how advice usually works with me, of course. I'll be all, "I can't decide!" and then someone will say, "Okay, A" and I suddenly realize I already have decided, I just wasn't telling myself yet.
Well, okay. So that's narrowed it down to... 3. That's too many.
You returning stuff again? :)
I say, get all three. Chances are you'll have to return at least one of them...
This sentence needs to be rewritten. It's awkward (especially at the beginning) and repeats "learn and grow" too much. Any ideas? I'm pooping out.
As certain as school is full of tough assignments that force students to push themselves in order to learn and grow, so is life full of situations with unknown outcomes where one must push themselves to also learn and grow.
This happened to me!
"Pakistan causes worldwide YouTube outage "
Islamic upheavals have directly impacted my world! I feel so international.
Brilliant! Thank you, Amy!
This paper is getting there. Shit. I think this might be the best paper I've ever written. Which is a bit terrifying.
And now I should go sleep for a few hours.
'Night all!
I had a scare on the freeway (I think a chain on the semi trailer next to me broke causing a load noise and lots of sparks) but mommy gave me vodka and I'm feeling much better now.
Slow deep breath in.
Slow deep breath out.
Where the heck is my Fernet?
SuziQ, you ok?
Laga, glad you are ok too.
ND, you make it home safe?
KT? O heck, if they aren't on, chances are he's home.