He got too much luck on the flights over there the last few times. He should have saved some. :: Shakes fist at planes with KT ::
Thanks to all you choco folks, I'm craving choco now. I think there is some in the kitchen, but iTunes has me very unmotivated to move right now. My god id3 tag editing, making sure every track has a picture, rating tracks, etc is very consuming.
I'm having math problems. We're collecting for charity at work right now and we will be rewarded with money to spend on a party. The reward is $100 per item sold to 100 guests. So if we sell two items per 100 guests we get $200.
Based on that I feel it's fairly simple that if we have sold 420 items so far and our total attendance is 5129 then 420/5129 or .08 is our items per guest. Can I multiply that by 100 to get our items per 100 guests? And therefore would our reward be about $800?
People keep telling me it's not that simple and are coming up with their own formulas resulting in rewards ranging from $400 to $1200. Would someone please tell me I'm right & if not, please explain where I messed up.
I will leave the math to the mathy among us. My brain is leaking out my ears right now.
ND texted to say he had no luck on the flight, so he's stuck in Florida until tomorrow. Bummer.
quick Kristin! Stick some bananas in your ears. You won't be able to hear but at least it'll keep your brains in.
Laga is so helpful.
That really sucks that ND won't be able to get home until tomorrow. Poor sleepless guy.
Oh, and it doesn't cause weight gain. Always a bonus since I'm still trying to lose the 20 lbs I gained on the old ADs.
As soon as we turn the clocks forward for springtime, I'm going to finish tapering off my Zoloft. I got from 200 mg/day down to 50 mg/day by the time I moved in with The Boy, but then I figured that maybe I shouldn't try to go all the way off in December, given the combination of (1) moving stress, (2) holiday stress, and (3) winter weather/less sunlight.
But the reduced dosage has *not* led to any recurrence of depression this winter (just your basic February Blahs), and I really really REALLY want the meds to stop wreaking havoc on my weight, so -- I'm going aim for tapering all the way off by May/June.
I just realized that if I actually get accepted into the NEH summer seminar, I will miss the F2F. I would have to be in England on the 22nd.
Just this weekend, The Boy's family planned a family vacation to the Outer Banks and invited us (as we are, y'know, family). It happens to be June 21-28. Arrrrrrrgh!!!!
Laga, I feel I need more definition of the formula to try and do the math accuretly. Feels like something is missing. Not sure what. Must eat. Blood sugar, or whatever, is low. feeling light headed.
maybe that's the problem, we don't have enough information. All I know is $100 per item sold per 100 guests.
Aw fuck. Looks like a friend of the family and good friend of my sister's was killed this morning on some sort of organized bike ride. I didn't even know he was living in Chicago.