Kristin - I'll give you something else to laugh hysterically at.
I've decided to teach.
!!!!! Why on EARTH would I laugh hysterically at that? I think that's fantastic! You will be a great teacher, love.
Happy Birthday, Laura!
t waves towards Bahamas
Hi honey!
Don't forget the moisture - that affects the feel a lot.
So much this. When it's cold and dry, I can stay warm easily with layers--even when it's bitterly cold. The damp and the wind make even moderate temperatures miserable.
Happy birthday, Laura!
Super sekrit message to you:
You share a birthday and a first name with GF!!!!
Happy birthday, Laura!
It's in the 40s and raining and raining here. Yay, rain!
Happy Birthday, Laura(s)!
GC, please tell GF Happy Birthday for me!
In ranty news...
Dear School,
Yes, it's great that we do things like bring in speakers and send students on field trips and put on plays and have crazy spirit week events. It would also be nice, however, to have time to TEACH. IJS.
No love,
Teacher Becoming More Curmudgeonly by the Day
and especially the utter bliss of snow days.
see. I remember those too. Now, I have a toddler. It is sweet and it is fun. But once I finally get her to sleep and not ask me if it is 4pm yet and can she go over to the neighbors now to make a snowman, I will have to do the dishes we messed up making cookies. The bliss I remember was free of the dishpan hands.
and yet, it totally sounds like your school owes you for the snow day.
third, fourth, or fifthing the fact that teaching sounds like an excellent, un-laughable idea Aimee.
Happy Birthday Laura!
still boggling over the strapless G, but in agreement that I don't want one.
sigh. didn't get a grant we wanted. neither did 1,057 other applicants, but still. ::kicks snow::