Home from the award ceremony. It seems we have a bona fide hero at work. In addition to the Silver Beaver Award, my co-worker was presented with a BSA medal for heroism. Here are some basic details of the event, can not guarantee accuracy, it was a loud room, couldn't hear great from the other side of the table. Seems last May, while returning from a camping trip with 4 Scouts, in the middle of nowhere, a biker crashed his motorcycle into a vehicle. His leg suffered huge trauma. My co-worker was the first on the scene. He administered some first aide, (applied a tournequet to stop bleeding, elevating, etc) while sending the scouts up and down the road to the cars caught in the traffic to get ice from coolers. Proceeded to put the guys leg on ice. Then sent the scouts to find a residence (I guess no cell service??). 45 minutes later professional help arrived. Saved the guys life, but not the leg. So we had 6 bikers at our table tonight. They were asked if they would like to attend the event tonight, and they said "Hell Yes!". Very cool!
Dude! A hero! Who knew? None of us, as Co-worker is very modest and not looking for pat-on-backs.
:: beams with admiration ::
Omnis, that is exceptionally cool. Sometimes people don't spoil things for the rest of us. Sometimes people are amazing.
Ooo. Watching Law & Order CI tonight, and 'Fred (from Angel series) had a small role. Good to see she's still getting work.
Best! Morning! Ever! Woke up to nearly a thousand euro in tax-back! Wahoo!
I can do THINGS! Like fix our car! And maybe eat in a restaurant! And buy some new shoes! Eee!
Yay for tax refund!
Sigh. An article in the Style section (of course) of the Times, about how significantly more teenage girls than teenage boys have their own websites. There's a bit about how many of these websites have warning telling people not to hotlink and not to steal their content. Rather than presenting this as fairly typical "I made this, I should get credit for it" that pretty much anyone involved in creating anything would say, it's described thus:
Aside from depleting bandwidth, it is the digital equivalent of arriving at a party wearing the same dress as another girl, Professor Palfrey said.
do you have a menu button on the remote?
Vortex, we tried with the tv remote but it says we can get into the tuner option to shut off the CC. (This is how the owner's manual says to do it). So we though it was through the DVR--checked all the menus there, no dice.
As of this morning, it's still on and we feel like idiots. The system is too complicated for us to handle and DH is pissed at spending A LOT of money on a system we can't work.
On the brighter side, I found an antique restorer who lives in my neighborhood and is going to come and take a look at my secretary. He sounds like a really nice guy, too.
I love my closed captions, but need to turn them off during live shows. Only the original tv remote will work for that function. I'll never manage to not have a basket full of remotes.
I love my closed captions, but need to turn them off during live shows. Only the original tv remote will work for that function. I'll never manage to not have a basket full of remotes.
We spent $500 on a touch screen Harmony remote that is supposed to take care of all that--it controls the tuner, the DVR, the DVD and the TV, all on a touch screen. So you can sort of see why DH would be pissed off. For that amount, the thing should be able to do what we want AND fetch beers.
It's just too complicated of a system, I suppose. The worst part is that I could play around with it and eventually push the right button to fix it but DH HATESHATESHATES this kind of experimentation. He wants to KNOW what fixes the problem and push THOSE buttons. It's driving me insane.
I finally found flights that we can afford at the right time for a trip to Dallas so that we wouldn't be inconveniencing anyone by arriving late at night but we wouldn't have to leave too early either, and I called TCG to confirm. Only he gave me the wrong date for one of his meetings, so now to start from scratch.
Good luck with the closed caption thing, Cashmere. I have had that same problem with my very uncomplicated TV system, but I'm with you I'm all for the keep pushing the buttons until it fixes itself method.