Daniel, much ~ma for your sister. That must have been scary beyond belief.
Fay, since ~ma is infinite, I offer you even more ~ma for your Kenyan friends. The brother is definitely one hell of a good bloke.
Suzi, you rock! You will knock the new boss dead, they wouldn't have offered you the job if they didn't think so.
Aimee, having been there done that, I have nothing to offer except sympathy. I don't know if it's too late to offer an apology, especially since some folks just can't (or refuse) to accept an apology, but you can try. Good luck.
Aimee, having been there done that, I have nothing to offer except sympathy. I don't know if it's too late to offer an apology, especially since some folks just can't (or refuse) to accept an apology, but you can try. Good luck.
I was gonna go the route of, "I didn't say 'whore'! I said 'bore'!"
I'm finally heading to bed. Even for me this is a messed up schedule to be keeping.
Seen on CNN this morning
"Ron Paul: My Movement Won't End!"
Please say I'm not the only 12-year-old around who snickers and thinks, "You should probably see someone about that, Ron."
That's exactly where my mind went, flea.
I'm gonna be bossy with our (limited) budget and say that Zmayhem will definitely and unquestionably be taking a trip up to Seattle this year, because those are ridiculously cheap tickets (I just looked and was quoted $77 each way, but that's still ridiculous in a good way) and it's rental-car-driving distance from Portland, which has also been on our must-visit-soon list for far too long (and tickets to which remain ridiculous in a less-good way). We just have to get a calendar and start plotting.
Vibing hard for Daniel's sister, Fay's Kenyan friends, and Nora's dad.
GF and I are starting to plan a 2-week trip to France and Italy next Spring! SQUEE!!!
GF and I are starting to plan a 2-week trip to France and Italy next Spring! SQUEE!!
Are you sure you don't want to go via Ireland? We're practically next door...