I'm all for debt to society and all. But, as Stephanie said, recidivism rates are high. If they were scattered around. Ya, sure. But over a dozen in one spot. Vast majority of them nabbed for sex with a minor under 14. The 2nd place was violent rape. Um. Ya, it kinda concerns me. Unless they got some 12 step program going, and it works.
I dunno. We'll see what plays out. Kinda torn on this one. I agree with Libkitty, but... it's my backyard. Wow. I dunno if I've ever been part of a NIMBY crowd before. Shit, does that mean I'm getting old?
Oh, that's scary omnis.
I'm up! I'm up! I'm about to shower. Boy, my life is exciting!
What a quiet morning!
I dropped Ellie off at school. She seemed to really enjoy introducing everyone to her new brother. She also took a little scrapbook with pictures from her trip and her teacher showed it to the class. She seemed to like that too. None of the other kids knew what the snow was which was funny.
vw, good luck today!
I dropped Ellie off at school. She seemed to really enjoy introducing everyone to her new brother. She also took a little scrapbook with pictures from her trip and her teacher showed it to the class. She seemed to like that too. None of the other kids knew what the snow was which was funny.
So sweet! How is Ellie adjusting to having Frisco around? How are you feeling?
How is Ellie adjusting to having Frisco around? How are you feeling?
Ellie is doing much better this week. We've gotten rid of most of the really annoying, clingy, whiny stuff although it comes back some when she's tired. I think she really likes him, although she does get jealous at times. Being back home has helped a lot.
I"m actually doing really well - much better than I would have thought. I guess I knew more what to expect so the changes weren't so great.
I dropped Ellie off at school. She seemed to really enjoy introducing everyone to her new brother. She also took a little scrapbook with pictures from her trip and her teacher showed it to the class. She seemed to like that too. None of the other kids knew what the snow was which was funny.
That's awesome and cute.
I think the trend with sex offenders is moving towards GPS tracking. As a parent I understand and appreciate all attempts to keep sex offenders away from schools and daycare centers.
But I wonder about individual cases. The incidents where sex offenders kidnap, rape or murder children are the cases that stick in our memories and frighten us the most but aren't most of the victims found in much more opportunistic circumstances? (i.e. kids of girlfriends, family members, churches, etc.)
Not that I want to take a chance with my own kids, and I admit I don't know the statistics, but I tend to think that most pedophiles aren't necesarrily violent and usually try to take jobs or get close to their intended victims through other means. The most horrible cases I saw back in Ohio were the boyfriends of the mothers.
Stephanie it's great to hear that you and the kids are doing well!
Yesterday the director of the first year research and writing program seemed to propose that we librarians take over the research portion of the class when the program added another two credits (for which the current profs would get extra $). I waited to hear how she proposed we be compensated, but as far as I could tell the proposal only included more pay for her people. We are supposed to do it out of the goodness of our hearts. Our hearts are wee and black, and so I suggested they use their TAs in better ways than they are currently.
Stephanie, I'm glad everything is going so well.
Happy Birthday, Beverly!!!
The incidents where sex offenders kidnap, rape or murder children are the cases that stick in our memories and frighten us the most but aren't most of the victims found in much more opportunistic circumstances? (i.e. kids of girlfriends, family members, churches, etc.)
Yes, and not surprisingly so, given that the same is true of ALL rape cases. Strangers lurking in dark alleys waiting to pounce are pretty rare.