so I'm sitting in the dealership waiting wearing a shirt that my uncle made for me, feeling a bit un-PC. It says:
I'd rather buy clean Japanese technology than dirty Arabic oil!
I probably wouldn't have worn it except the fact I was heading up to visit him.
I would've yelled if I'd been the parent on the spot when it happened.
Also, if I hadn't already been desensitized to all my possessions breaking by the car and heater things. Sigh.
the ~ma works!!! Excess carbon build up on the input doohiky. Cleaned it up. 90% sure that is the problem. No charge!!
I have no heat, no water and thus no happy. Grrr.
The puppy, however, is curled up under an electric blanket and oblivious. So she's good.
I have no heat, no water and thus no happy. Grrr.
oh noes! what's going on in the people's republic Sparky?! at least you still have wifi....
ION - I spaced a potential client call on Friday afternoon (she'd spaced returning mine a week ago, but I don't think that matters). We both have kids, we both lack brains, but. Feh.
Oh no, Sparky! Heat and water~ma.
In whiny meme news, I have a nasty sinus headache that won't die. I'm trying to recover enough to drive down to Laga's for a yummy home-cooked meal. It's stabby and evil. The headache, not the meal.
I can assure you the meal will not be stabby.
I hope your heat and water come back soon, sparky.
The heat is back, but the fellows in the truck just dropped off 6 gallons of water and a promise that water will be back "soon, maybe."
The puppy is never, ever going to leave the electric blanket.
We're supposed go to a wedding tomorrow, so I hope we're able to take showers, etc.
Yay for heat! Now come on water!
Sparky, if your wedding involves southward travel, you are more than welcome to shower on Capitol Hill. I'd even puppy sit!