still not sleeping... just festering & hacking. DH has run to the CVS, but wanted to know if I'd posted that he offered to tie me up today (ie my lovely hospital gown). now we can tell him yes.
Laga & Bobbi - hilarious.
Has anyone seen the milk comments on amazon?
thanks everyone for the well wishes.
eta: Hil - so glad you got another opinion.
Poor Trudy. You shouldn't have to worry about your job when you are ill. Especially when said worry is that you are inconveniently sick on on of the few days bosslady deigns to come to work.
ESPECIALLY when she doesn't even notice that I'm gone!
She really is a trip.
Tomorrow I'll likely be somewhat but not all the way better. Its going to be a tough call.
{{{Trudy}}} Feel better. Your boss should be happy that you didn't go in and possibly expose her to a stomach flu.
For fellow Jewtistas in need of cheering up: Youtube of Billie Holiday singing “My Yiddishe Mame” over at Debbie Nathan's site.
Poor Trudy.
Is there anyone who can take a look at my resume? I Want to email it to my temp agency tomorrow after work.
I'm really fed up with my job right now and I've turned into a horrible employee. Part of the problem is when my direct supervisor left there were no contingency plans or anything, she left no information for whoever replaced her (or me) because "there wasn't anything likethat for me." My Big Boss never sat down with us either together or separately to talk about how the job duties would be divided up until there was a replacement. She left the end of August and I know no one thought the position would be vacant this long, but it's frustrating.
I just...I have no one to ask questions, unlessI go outside my division, and my boss is weird about talking about outside stuff. She keeps odd hours which was fine before but isn't working out now.
Today I just felt overwhelmed and wanted to walk out. In the first few monhts I worked here I wanted to walk out and never come back several times but I didn't and now I realize I have to leave. I'm just sucking as an employee because I don't have the direction I need. Not micromanging but it would be nice to have someone to touch base with who knows what's going on and give my projects and deadlines.
I'll look at yours, if you'll return the favor, askye.
askye, you can shoot it to me at my profile addy, if you like.
rice crackers and chicken broth. At the moment these are the two most wonderful foods in the world.
They are, actually, your best friends for a couple of days.
Feel better.
Daisy I'll trade you.
Vortex I'll send it to you too.
Also, I just realized I left off one job that I had 2 years of experience. I think it happened by accident when I was trying to get the resume to one page.
I'll add it and then send it to y'all. Just give mea minute.