Hmm. Maybe I just need good things to DO to the frozen veggies? They seem so....bleh, alone. THough that one mix from TJ's does sound good. I still haven't been to TJ's in Seattle, though there's one not tooo far away.
The Sous Kitchen place sounds YUM, Meghan, I looked at the menu!
The Sous Kitchen place sounds YUM, Meghan, I looked at the menu!
I've already converted 4 people in my office! We all go together now.
And I agree that your average frozen veggies seem blah, but some of the TJ's mixes have enough variety that they work for me. And sometimes I'll add red pepper flakes, hot sauce, garlic, or other, depending on what I'm serving them with.
Barbara Kingsolver converted me (at least temporarily) to buying greens (esp. red chard, yummm) at the farmer's market. My idea of "cooking" frequently is opening a container of something and heating it, but really, I've come around to it's not much more work to wash, cut up, and steam some chard or other veggie. I switched to a small stainless steel frying pan for steaming because, more surface area, goes faster.
Java Cat, if your friend has any tips, I'd love to hear them.
Email sent.
meara, here is what I often do for lunch before going to work: Place a portion of frozen meat (fish fillet, or a couple of chicken breast tenderloins, or a small pork chop) into a glass pie plate; dump a bag of frozen veggies (stir-fry mix, or whatever) on top of that; Cook for 5-6 min, then turn the meat, and stir the veggies, and cook for another 2-4 minutes; At the end of the cooking process, add sauce of the day - Thai Peanut sauce, Szeschuan, Catalina dressing plus hot sauce, Ranch Dressing, or butter and lime juice, or whatever exciting bottle of sauce I have brought home from the grocery store.
Grrr.... The interwebs hate me tonight. Half the pages I'm going to won't open for me. Maybe I'll try a different browser.
Oh snap. Looks like we might be going to the tattoo parlor Friday to figure out how much my compass will cost and make an appointment to get INKED!!!!
Woo, Suzi! Are you going into the city for it?
meara, I live for salad personally, but I'm also fond of sauteed spinach (and flash frozen is just as tasty as fresh and way easier). And green beans are easy! Sugar snap peas are even easier because they don't need cooking! Carrots, sweet potatoes and squash can be bought pre-cut/washed and easily turned into pureed soup.
Ugh...I am so tired! This week is going on forever! Plus I worked on dying some costumes for next week when I got home and one of the pieces turned out a little freckled. I hate when that happens!
Why do they think I can teach when competition is next week? And, why can't the school have space and supplies for me to dye at school?
No, -t, there is a place in Berkeley that has done work I like and has been highly recommended. Telegraph Tattoo Company.