I'm in class, one of the qustions on the test (not graded is has your knowledge of computers increased) the test is next week. I haven't really, I mean a litte, but geez I've been a heavy user of the computer for a while so..
oh no he's talking politics and property tax....please god no stop the insanity.
just so you know the other questions are --what does ISP stand for> what is a browser. Name 2 browsers.
also impact vs non impact printers.
Kristin, maybe you could test the slimballiness by replying that you wouldn't be against getting together but gee, won't it be hard to find a time when all four of you (wife and Drew) are free?
Heh. I love this and may have to do it.
Either that or just pretend you have no memory of him what so ever.
Awesome! Even better!
Huh. I haven't eaten anything today. I am really hungry.
Gee whilikers. (sp) Did your puppy come with one of those special seasoning packets? "Now with extra added, lethal cute?"
What great photos and captions.
I was literally watching the mailman walk up my driveway with "Torchwood" in hand when my boss called me in early. Captain Jack is at my house and I'm at work! wah!
Good news - got an e-mail from HR
Bad news - saying that they should have the documentation ready tomorrow.
I'm sorry they are dragging this out, Suzi. I hope it ends up being good news when it eventually comes.
Anyone here rented a place in the Outer Banks? The DH and I are thinking of going down to Kitty Hawk in April. Anything I should I know about locations?
One of my best friends and her kiteboarding-fiend DH were there a few months ago. I could email her and ask where they stayed if you'd like. It'll take a day or two. She always has good referrals/used to be a travel planner (among other things) at her old company. Let me know.
I am SO fucked.
There's a Lush store opening on Friday in the mall that's literally across the street from my office.
Goodbye, debt reduction.
(We'll ignore how I totally didn't know it was happening until 5 minutes ago.)