I'm surprised the Catholic Church hasn't sent a cyborg priest back from the future to "deal with" MM's blasphemy....
Oh, they did. But they got their idea of its human "look" from Ed Norton in "Keeping the Faith".
I beat it to death with a picture of Ben Stiller. Wasn't so hard.
Tep, I can't imagine that you could physically make a full bath smaller than mine! Damn!
5' x 6' is me rounding up. Before we re-did it, we'd bump our knees on the sink if we sat down. The only thing we kept was the tub (because it's deep and old), and fitting the toilet and sink so that there was enough space to get out of the tub involved construction planning Tetris. I should post the pictures before and after one of these days.
You only have to get as far as DC, and then we'll give you a ride.
My Paul Gross arms didn't work. Hmmm.
Heh. I'm pretty sure that SF has clingy shower curtains, too.
Yes, but you're not so cold when they do it, which makes the whole thing slightly less "arrrrrRRGHEREKWJHRIOWHFOSIHEROPyPR(EY"y.
I had that problem in Boston. It, in combination with a bad haircut, led me to hitting-inanimate-objects anger, which is pretty rare for me.
Edit: No, wait, Boston had a whole DIFFERENT shower curtain problem! It's my mother's last two houses which had that very same problem, along with a window smackdab in the middle of the shower wall. Oh, and a showerhead affixed roughly at neck-height. She's getting that fixed, which means I'll be able to visit her without dread for the first time in nearly 20 years.
I used to have a bathroom that was too small to close the door if you were standing at the sink (the door would hit you, barely cleared the sink). It was on the second floor and if a truck went by while I was in the tub I would be terrified, thinking the tub was about to crash through the floor.
I don't remember what kind of shower curtain we had. It's possible we just let the rest of the bathroom get wet since it wasn't much bigger than the tub.
Our door opens out. No room for it to open in, and not enough room to put in a pocket door in the wall. So if the bathroom door is open, it blocks access to the bedroom.
Hee. The SO fixed the showerhead height at about seven feet. It'll be the first time in his life he doesn't have to stoop to take a shower.
When we lived in the little stone house in Wichita, the showerhead was at his chest. I looked at it when I scoped the house out, but it totally didn't ping for me. I'm 5'3"! It looked fine to me!
I should post the pictures before and after one of these days.
Yes, please!! Also waiting for pic of Aimee's new hair.
Thanks for all the good wishes for Byron. I'm really trying not to think about it being anything other than a simple infection. We have to take him to the regular vet on Friday for follow-up, so I guess we'll know more then.
Also waiting for pic of Aimee's new hair.
No camera!! BOOO no camera!