What I always tell myself is that _____ will still be there when I'm done with this project. ____________ is not going to disappear out of the universe any time soon.
You can't know that! It's already disappeared from your sentence. Who knows where will be next?
(And if it IS something I won't be able to get again I'm allowed to have it.)
I resolved this after postponing the purchase of an echidna documentary, only to see it disappear from the shelves. Can't even get it from eBay now.
Happy Birthday, Windsparrow! Hope it was a good one.
Cashmere, that seems very good news.
Happy Birthday, Windsparrow!
I didn't hear from HR today. I left my current boss a voice message asking if she has heard anything, but no response from her yet. I know this is just one thing on a list of to-do's for both HR and my boss-to-be, but I want it NOW.
t /Veruca Salt
I guess at some point tomorrow, I'll have to suck it up, be brave and call HR.
The current Jeopardy champ's name is Buffy.
Raq, I've emailed with erinaceous recently I can send her email to you.
I like my coffee like I like my women: in a plastic cup.
I like my women like I like my coffee: bitter and weak.
Oh well, that didn't work with JZ at all.
I'm waiting for that blushing wallflower Aimee to show up with pictures of her new haircut.
I put up a page of before and after shots of the bathroom what is finally finished: [link]
GC, it's really gorgeous! Sorry it was such a pain in the ass to get done. But I hope you guys can enjoy the results when the anger fades.
Sweet, GC! I love a good bathroom. Cousins of mine were building their own house and they made their daughter stay in a job she hated for Ferguson for the employee discount--and they paid careful attention to their 6 or so bathrooms, each individually designed.
Somehow it's where the luxury lives.
And, yeah, I did mostly choose this apartment because of the bathroom and kitchen fixings.
happy birthday WindSparrow!
hooray for Owen in school!
In my sister's first house in CA she had an amazing bathroom. When she and her DH moved , to lessen their commutes, you could hear the wail across the country as every visitor wailed " But... the Bathroom...!"