My plan for the day was run and drop off the application at lunch. And then I realized that in a bid to make today easier I wore the same shirt and pants I did yesterday.
I don't want to run in wearing the same shirt (I had a jacket on but it's an unusual shade of blue and kind of memorable). So now I'm running home, throwing on a sweater, and delivering the application. Which may make me kind of a freak to do that, but I really want to make a good impression.
Also I need to get my hair cut, but the place I go doesn't have any openings and I'm worried about trying some place different, so no hair cut.
Did I mention I'll be meeting the director of the organization at this 2nd interview?
I will not panic I will not panic.
I like a little milk in my tea, but I don't drink tea that often.
I like milk and sugar in my tea in the afternoon, black in the mornings.
I recently had a cup of black coffee at home because we were out of cream, and OMGSOGOOD! I can't drink the office coffee black because it tastes like crap, but I should remember that I like my good coffee unadulterated.
So tired.
But Congratulations DJ and Matt on the excellent new jobs!!!
And after complaining to Amazon, they "discovered" that wow - they do have enough Torchwood season 1s in stock to mail my copy this week. (They sent this weasily explanation about how shipping dates are based on an estimate of how many things they will have in inventory - to which I say: WHATEVER Amazon - my pre-order helps you determine what you should have in inventory and you should therefore be able to PREDICT that you can get it to me the week it comes out.)
Yay askye! Not freaky on the sweater as I'd do the same thing, if I were aware enough to know what I wore yesterday that is. No panic! Think of the less than capable people that you encounter in the workplace and know that your potential employer was delighted to meet an articulate and intelligent prospective employee.
I'm a blasphemous creamer for tea. And unashamed.
Yay, askye! Lots of continued job~ma.
Suzi, I hope that offer letter comes TODAY.
We have our meeting for Owen's assessments at 3:45. Busy day all around.
Yay, askye! Lots of continued job~ma.
Suzi, I hope that offer letter comes TODAY.
And this!
And DJ, I meant to congratulate you earlier and can't remember if I congratulations!
I am at school and am feeling a little confused about this whole teaching thing.
ETA: I am firmly in the dairy-in-tea-is-an-abomination camp. Also, I am having oatmeal from a local cafe for breakfast. Yum!
Well, I'm also a very much fatter woman than thee, and although tempted, it struck me that if I had to choose between never eating cake again and never being a healthy weight, I'd go for never eating cake again. (Not that I am going for that - I'll certainly be able to eat desserts at some point, but right now I'm avoiding them. But if Glinda the Good Witch appeared and offered me a choice, it would be strong-and-healthy-body-in-the-safe-BMI-range rather than delicious-tasty-chocolate thingies, without a shadow of a doubt. Reflecting upon that made it an awful lot easier to not weaken on the avoiding-sugar thing.)
You go Fay!
What I always tell myself is that _____ will still be there when I'm done with this project. ____________ is not going to disappear out of the universe any time soon.
(And if it IS something I won't be able to get again I'm allowed to have it.)
Yay askye!
Also, does anyone have a sample resignation letter? I'm emotionally exhausted after telling both the bosses and am ready to just have it over.
They're also letting me give 2 weeks instead of 1 because I'm going to stay late the rest of this week to get everything perfectly in order so they're not screwed.
I am firmly in the dairy-in-tea-is-an-abomination camp.
I think it was specifically cream -- milk is okay, as I understand it. Though I wish someone had told my much younger self that it was milk OR lemon, and not both. It's an unpleasant thing to have to learn by experience.