I have been pondering my stash of the good drugs, because I'm having to have a tooth pulled Wednesday and I can't take nsaids until then. As far as I'm concerned, tylenol is just a cruel joke, particularly for arthritis.
My stash of leftover Percosets and friends is very comforting to me too. I usually end up taking 4 or 5 a year, but somehow it's easier to deal with pain if you know you have something that will make it go away. Codeine and its relatives don't make me particularly loopy; they just make me feel like all's right with the world. They also keep me wide awake. For me, the evil drug is morphine.
I kept a stash for a while, after my surgery. It was comforting, but I threw it away when I moved. I kind of miss it, but I'm kind of glad I don't have it, too. Plus, don't they go bad?
Ok. This is my favorite video (or part of a video) that I took on vacation--Seals vs. Sea Lions: [link]
Doesn't juliana have an audition today? Break a leg juliana!
And don't worry - the alien parasite will help you grow a new one.
Plus, don't they go bad?
They'll lose effectiveness after a while.
I still have all of the ones I was given for my root canal. Somewhere.
Saturday night, a certain someone was all "What are you doing Monday? I'll call you and we'll hang out Monday afternoon"
And of course, no call.
But I am too stubborn to call, myself.
Stupid girls.
On a separate note: anyone have suggestions for what kind of cupcakes I should make? I returned a christmas present and bought instead a cupcake carrier, so I think I will make cupcakes and bring them to work tomorrow. I need cake vs. frosting flavor suggestions. Or frosting-making suggestions, too.
On a separate note: anyone have suggestions for what kind of cupcakes I should make?
I saw a recipe for pink peppercorn cupcakes with pink peppercorn chocolate frosting. Let me see if I can find it for you. Or I could page through my shiny new Cupcake-a-Day calendar!
GF's dad is in hospital and started chemo so he is on lots and lots of mind-altering drugs. My fave thing he's said so far:
Her husband is missing. And when you're Superman's wife, that's a real problem!
He's right, you know. (Also: hee!!!)
Chocolate and pink peppercorn cupcakes: [link]
Wow, I should not have re-read that recipe. Now I want some. And I was already craving cupcakes like mad.
I don't want to grade papers and do lesson plans tonight! It would be so much nicer to snuggle down and read a good book. Alas, grades are due by 3pm tomorrow and rehearsals today, and a stomach bug this past weekend, kept me from doing the work until now.
ION...The chocolate and pink peppercorn cupcakes sound wonderful.