I had a dream last night that I had accidentally included a pair of panties in my slacker secret santa gift and the reason my giftee hadn't acknowledged it yet was that she was deeply offended.
As. If.
Why do I have to be thought of as the "disc-drive-as-cup-holder" sort of idiot so he feels smart?
So he can feel he is smarter about the tech stuff too.
(((askye))) I wish you were closer so we could go up to Cafe Brazil, have brunch, go over your application and resume and chill with a couple of lattes.
Does this job involve driving, askye? That's a weird question to be asking.
Pretty sure your Santee is at a con this weekend, Laga.
These are the pillows I got at the Murakami exhibit yesterday [link]
When you turn them over, they have sleepy faces. They are both on our bed, making me ridiculously happy!
He told me that he would move out as soon as I returned his security deposit but I didn't get it in writing so I can't hold him to it.
still hold him to it. But if he disputes that he told you that, then it's your word against his. But just because it's not in writing doesn't mean... um, that it doesn't mean anything
Well, he's a Guy of a Certain Age, Erika. My dad would have done the same thing, and I know he thought I was smart. They have to feel they can fix everything themselves, due to having a penis and all, I guess. My Dad was the least handy guy in the WORLD, but it didn't stop him from giving fix-it advice all the time.
Pretty sure your Santee is at a con this weekend
whew. Now I don't have to inventory my panties!
erikaj - I think it is a daughter thing. My dad is a pretty good dad and he does know that I am an adult - but he has real blind spots. for years I told hi to watch the movie
because I knew he'd like it. When did he watch it - when the 16 yr old son of friend recommended it. Sometimes I think dads don't hear their daughters.
askye - my application and resume did not match for my last job. I still think I am the only one that noticed.
GC, those are *adorable*!