Yay askye!
Also in job news...I got the job I interviewed for on Friday. Not only did I not disappoint my friends (the both of them called, emailed-I'm sure they would have sent a carrier pigeon had they had one this morning to let me know), but they chose me over another candidate who could start immediately. Yay, happy and proud!
Soon, anxiety about giving short notice and being competent at new job.
But for now coffee and self-satisfaction!
You are stressing out about this disproportionately.
I'm not scolding you, just pointing this out. You are beating yourself up over formatting weirdness?
We can look at it tomorrow if you'd like. Just put it down for now though.
I'm way more upset than I thought, I'm going to put this away for right now and come back to it in hour.
This sounds like a really good idea. Maybe get some tea and take some deep breaths?
Hah Askye! Look at all the self-aware from you!
You go girl.
{{askye}} also, What Trudy Said.
!!!Daisy Jane!!!
You can send it to me, askye. I am the queen of formatting.
they're not proofing the thing, they're just getting the information in one place
if you end up hired, tell them you found a typo on your resume and you don't want their records to be inaccurate so you're giving them a new one. its not like you've got something deceptive on there to make yourself look better
This. I caught a few things on mine Friday when I was walking the woman through it. I don't think she even noticed. Set it aside and breathe for a bit.
You deserve a good, rewarding job.
If it helps at all, I'm pretty sure that I had a glaring typo in my cover letter for my current job... as an editor.
It's not the formatting weirdness so much as the dates are off on my last 3 places of employment by two years on the resume. And I wasn't going to try and fix it on the resume until I got the stuff done on the application.
But then I started looking at my resume and thinking about trying to fix it and it's just, I swear everytime I look at or print my resume there's another error. And every time I fix it and think it's fine there's another problem. I spent a half hour last night just trying to get the stupid bullet points to work out and then I realized the resume I printed out was wrong last night, so I went to fix it and it took me anohter 15 minutes just to work on the stupid bulleting and formatting and I printed it out.
Only to realize that the year's are wrong.
Oh, and I didn't mention the big thing. AFter I casually handed him my "updated" resume. I realize that it doesn't have my present employer on it. Which I guess was just as bad as having the wrong dates. But I thought since he mentioned a second interview it might not be that bad. I 'd rocked the interivew more than the resume.
So it's just.... every time I touch this thing something else happens.
Big breath, askye. What matters is the interview, the resume was just to get your foot in the door and it's done that. It did its job. Go celebrate the interview! You done good.
Yay, Daisy Jane!! That rocks!
Letter~ma, SuziQ!
IOmeN, since I've started posting my resume again, I've gotten three unsolicited phone calls from recruiters. Guess the new resume is doing its job. Two of the jobs have been not what I'm looking for, though. I'm hoping the one I've got to call back today will be more in the ballpark.