I'm going to cry. I swear.
I had to make changes to my resume. The formatting was off. took me forever to get it right. Then I went out to hte office to print it since my printer wasn't hooked up and I left something there I needed.
The printers were offline.
Came back and hooked up my printer. I saved it to word since it was for work, I don't have a product key for it on my laptop so I've been using works. I'm trying to print out my resume, except it keeps opening something called Microsoft notes and printing it like that.
I tired to copy and past it into Works and, well it looks like crap. It's formatted weird and has some stupid box around it.
Okay so now I'm trying to print from Google documents. Except the formatting is fucked up on it in this form.
And I can't print it.
So it looks like i've got to redo my resume AGAIN.
I have a question for those of you who have fully stopped using plastic grocery sacks: what do you use for garbage?
We buy the 13-gallon kitchen garbage bags, but it takes us a while to fill the garbage because we have recycling and composting pick-up here.
FYI, they haven't banned the
of plastic bags, it's just that the bigger groceries stores can't give them out anymore. Given their tendency to use 8 plastic bags to pack what would fit in 2 paper bags, I think this is a good idea. For chain pharmacy and stores like that, the ban goes into effect in a couple of months. I think smaller stores will be exempt, at least for a while.
Given their tendency to use 8 plastic bags to pack what would fit in 2 paper bags, I think this is a good idea.
I so do not understand why they put like two things in each bag. It happens at Safeway when I bring my own bags, too -- I've got some bags that are shaped essentially like regular paper grocery bags, and at Safeway, they'll always fill them maybe 1/3 full before going for the plastic bags. (At Trader Joe's, on the other hand, they're really good at managing to get everything to fit in. Also, the Trader Joe's people tend to actually know how to pack a grocery bag -- heavy stuff, then fragile stuff, then squishy stuff. The Safeway people just throw stuff in however.)
I generally always bag myself, even when I don't bring my own. Except at TJ's where they are indeed great baggers.
At Trader Joe's, on the other hand, they're really good at managing to get everything to fit in. Also, the Trader Joe's people tend to actually know how to pack a grocery bag
Right? I always want to thank them and ask them if they can teach the Kroger baggers how to properly bag my damn produce.
Hmm. They generally bag pretty full here. The store I usually shop at usually does pretty well, but when I hate going to other stores and getting cans on top of bread and the like.
I was all good today and bought lots of fresh veggies at the grocery store so that I could have real food rather than processed crap. Then I ended up sleeping on and off all afternoon. Dinner, rather than my planned whole wheat pasta with tomatoes, asparagus, and beans, ended up being canned chickpeas with nutritional yeast. Which is reasonably healthy, I suppose, but not quite qualifying as cooking.