It is also true that I have missed less that 5 days of work because of illness in the 9 years I've been at this school.
That is just rude. I hate rude. If he is not suffering from delusions that you are in fact someone else, he is trying to intimidate you. Next evaluation, I'd take a folder full of CYA evidence that will help you politely refute all of the falsehoods and generalities he tosses at you with facts. Not only will it put him on notice that you are keeping track, and that the truth might be more helpful to your professional development than his random assumptions of what is going on, it will give you documentation that you can use in a "as I pointed out to DraconianDic when I met with him on May 5, 2008, ..." way.
I just took the Myers-Briggs test on Facebook. I've taken this test many times before, including on Facebook, and every time it has turned out either INFP or ENFP. The I and E have always been close and gone back and forth depending on current circumstances, but the others have been pretty solid. This time, I turned out INFJ. I thought that perhaps I had made a mistake, and retook it, reading the questions carefully this time, but I ended up with the same. What's up with that?
If he is not suffering from delusions that you are in fact someone else, he is trying to intimidate you.
I firmly believe it is the latter.
Next evaluation, I'd take a folder full of CYA evidence...
Exactly what I plan on doing...
Thanks for the advice, Sox.
Personalities change over time. I used to be painfully shy (and still have bouts of social anxiety), but now for the most part, I'm very outgoing.
I got to watch Aussie Open tennis in HD!!!
My brother bought himself a four-day ticket for some of the early matches. He likened the match between Serena Williams and some unseeded player to the family dog being rogered by a polar bear.
Yet another reason why I love SF, where the grocery stores can no longer use plastic bags.
Our new government has announced that it intends to ban plastic bags. It's attracting a lot of debate as to whether it'll actually help anything, or just lead to more greenhouse gas emissions to make the paper bags and people buying heavier plastic bags as bin liners. The debate continues.
I have a question for those of you who have fully stopped using plastic grocery sacks: what do you use for garbage?
We still get a few of the plastic bags--which we do use for small bin liners for the bathroom and for scooping cat litter. But I try to minimize the number we use.
Why am I watching a Lifetime movie about a woman and her kids running away from a polygamous compound?
I'm in Orlando after an awesome flight on JetBlue. Seriously, could notT have been better. Ellie and I are waiting for our next flight; leaves in 1.5 hours.
So glad to hear that! Hope I see good news a little later too, that you’ve arrived safe and sound.
Good luck, askye! My tip: Have a couple of questions to ask them up your sleeve so they know you were thinking about the job.
askye, what she said.
I’m home! It’s cold! I’m tired! Night!
Personalities change over time. I used to be painfully shy (and still have bouts of social anxiety), but now for the most part, I'm very outgoing.
I understand this. I go back and forth on the I and E too. But I had read somewhere that while these often change, the others rarely do. And I last took the test maybe a month or two ago. It's no big deal, but just seems kind of odd.
Why am I watching a Lifetime movie about a woman and her kids running away from a polygamous compound?
Uh oh. The Lifetime Drug hits another.