Oh, Trudy. Bless your enabling little heart.
I had other things to say, but I've forgotten most of them. Um - nice pics, Susan! Oh! GC, so sorry about the shittiness. Hope things look up for you both.
And, askye? The teacher was being a prat. You did the right thing. God, I wouldn't do that - you'd totally say "Please ask them to phone, it's a matter of urgency" or something, not start giving all the details. Let alone be an arse about it.
Trudy Booth, disciple of Truthiness.
That's the thing about Torchwood. It's like fic with a budget. And copyright permission. Made. Of. Win.
So, um, apropos of nothing... how do I make a desktop shortcut to a website?
and there is grasping. and gasping.
and, I'm sorry, but there is NO WAY you can play Capt. Jack and not become at least a
Just no way.
It is
like fic with a budget and copyright permission. In fact, not just LIKE - it
Oh, my people! Good job! Good job!
and, I'm sorry, but there is NO WAY you can play Capt. Jack and not become at least a liiiiittle flexible. Just no way.
Don't understand.
Oh - unless - do you mean Marsters?
my only complaint is: 14 seconds is way too short. Is JM playing a recurring character or is this a one-time guest star thing?
I heard he was bi but does being in a committed monogamous relationship with someone of the same sex mean you're gay? Look how cute!
The 11 o'clock news is all snowpocalypse, all the time. Bread! Milk! Check your tires! The sky is falling!