(28 days until pitchers and catchers report)
Awesome! I've been asking my sports-fanatic-RedSox loving-freak of an office mate, and he keeps going "I dunno, I got 3 kajillion Basketball fantasy leagues to deal with". Pfft. So I tease him that Basketball isn't a real sport because they play inside. He hates that! ... I'm evil! ...
GC, From the pics you sent a million posts ago, the bathroom looks great. I really hope you and your GF can focus on that. And I hope things get better soon for y'all.
Stephanie, what a wonderful surprise! Yay! Nothin' says Lovin' like CAKE! (and now, all I can think of is Eddie Izzard "cake or death", which is completely different... but I recommend the cake option)
O there was more, but I was catching up in dribs and drabs. This weekend I head up to visit my Uncle. He's back in town for a bit to continue to wrap up things from his wife's passing before he is back on the road with his Casita trailer. Since I actually get the holiday weekend off, I can make the trip. After I offered to visit, he was like "oh, that will be great, and the moral support will be very much welcomed". That made me feel even better for offering. Poor guy. 20 years of marriage, to go back to the empty house. And the step-children biting at his heels for stupid stuff instead of being sensitive to the fact he lost the love of his life.
Oh hey. Didn't mean to down turn the mood. IT"S FRIDAY!! WOooOOooOoTT!
Oh ya, and that Cats 300 video was HILARIOUS!
Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose, DJ!
Thanks, erika and everybody! I didn't get to read this until I got back, but I must have gotten the vibe anyway. It at least went well enough that I don't feel like I let anyone down, and I think it went even better than that. She was explaining the account they were working on and I was all "Oh, the [thing that the product does]!" and she smiled. It also sounds like an awesome place to work. Like cubicles, but you kinda want them to be cubicles so you can socialize (I know that doesn't appeal to a lot of people here but I'm a
social animal).
I'm a very social animal
Color me shocked.
YAY, glad it went well.
On the meme front - no offer letter today.
Jobma to all!
Dylan is still feeling crappy (he's got a hair-trigger gag reflex right now, will have to keep an eye on that...I *really* hate being thrown up on....), but at least I can still make him laugh!
Ugh. Don't wanna make dinner. Too tired.
d --
I'm taking it literally and you might not have meant it that way, but FYI, declawing a cat is the equivalent of severing all the tendons on the back of your hands and then removing the last joint of all your fingers. It's pretty cruel. Cats can't even knead normally afterwards. So I hope you get a nail trimmer instead, or soft nail caps that I've seen in the Dr. Foster & Smith catalogue.
Aw, lookit the baby feet!
I hope you get a nail trimmer instead, or soft nail caps that I've seen in the Dr. Foster & Smith catalogue.
from her post, I'm thinking d's intent was trimming "claws" down to "nails"
Abi made me watch this: [link]
She MADE me do it.
Like, thirty times.
(completely non-spoilery for torchwood if you looked at connie's pic the other day. no plot whatsoever.)
And it was such a hardship right Trudy?