good luck DJ!
I am seriously considering flying on Sunday wearing sweatpants, although I'm not sure I have any that fit.
I lived in sweats the last 4 weeks. Among the black sweats, I had a favorite pair of leopard print velour sweats that were sassy - from Old Navy Maternity. And when I didn't need them anymore, I burned them - no regrets.
Hooray for your co-workers giving you a party!
and she looks so much like You , Susan! absolutely lovely!
That's what everyone keeps saying, but I still think she looks more like DH.
That's what everyone keeps saying, but I still think she looks more like DH.
She's probably a good amalgam of the two of you but when I see you together, her eyes, nose, mouth, chin and eyes are all you! She's really adorable.
For someone who spends half his time goofing off online, I sure got a pretty awesome performance review.
Doesn't it make you wonder how awful your fellow employees must be? I keep waiting for someone to drop their hand on my shoulder and say, "You, slacker, out the door." Instead they give me large raises and tell me how they want to promote me.
Doesn't it make you wonder how awful your fellow employees must be? I keep waiting for someone to drop their hand on my shoulder and say, "You, slacker, out the door."
I know! I think it's that I get all my work done on time, and it is apparently high quality, so whatever, right? But I still can't believe I get away with it.
Washington Post article about the Tom Cruise video. [link]
The sad thing, is that I thought that the Mission Impossible music and the graphics had been added by some tongue in cheek poster. But, no, they are part of the original video.
I think it's that I get all my work done on time, and it is apparently high quality, so whatever, right?
Getting it done on time is what counts. Or, as in my case, just getting it done. From what I understand, the dude before me was fired because he couldn't keep up. I can fritter away 4-5 hours here and still get everything done.
Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose, DJ!
Re the Tom Crazy video ... I'm wondering if they paid for the rights to use the music? if not, nice little copyright infringement suit there!
Re the Tom Crazy video ... I'm wondering if they paid for the rights to use the music? if not, nice little copyright infringement suit there!
they would probably argue that the video was not intended for distribution. Plus, I think that Tom was a producer, so he may have some pull there.