Holy crap. I just checked my phone messages from yesterday. There's one from a headhunter. I'm being headhunted! They're hunting my head!
Clearly they've heard that you give great head!
...what? Oh, come on, you were all thinking it.
guh. I'll be in my bunk. For like, a year.
Oh, Torchwood, how I love thee. It makes me feel all patriotic and proud to be British. It is my very own cracktastic Pervy Polyamorous Big Gay Space Alien Show! Huzzah! Go Team!
So, still ignoring the carbs, despite the fact that kids keep offering me cookies, and today is a Cake Sale. But I've not yet been able to find any weighing scales - I'm vaguely conscious that I should probably be measuring portions. Not that I'm eating big portions - quite the reverse, actually. But I'm really not even thinking about that carb-counting side of things. Hmm. We'll see. Quite frustrating, with the not-weighing-myself thing, but I think it's much better to wait a week. Or 2, if I can manage that.
Meanwhile, yesterday I (1) went to the gym straight after the work (the secret, as it was before, is to go straight to the gym, do not pass go, do not collect a hundred pounds, do not, for the love of God, SIT DOWN or you are buggered) and then (2) went for a walk around Lumpini Park (our modest version of Central Park) with my neighbour, which was an hour and a half of brisk walking on top of the 15 min walk to work and the half hour in the gym.
And I haven't actually officially started an exercise routine yet!
I am VERY GOOD INDEED! Somebody give me my gold star, stat!