This makes me wonder if Jewish people who are very observant of the Sabbath are also prohibited from having sex with a spouse on that day.
Nope. Sex with your spouse on Shabbos is actually encouraged. Sex (within marriage) is holy, Shabbos is holy, combining them is extra-special holy.
Sex (within marriage) is holy, Shabbos is holy, combining them is extra-special holy.
Thus, ladies and gentlemen, the origin of the expression "Holy FUCK!"
I need some work~ma for Mom.
Since she's in the drop progam and about to retire she knew she was running low on leave, so she's been obsessively checking with the office staff to make sure she would have enough (and she didn't go to my brother's wedding because she didn't have enough).
Well, after the holiday break, she's been told by the person in charge "oh, I made a mistake! And since x, y and z happened you won't be getting paid for those days." One of the things is that for some reason since she was out for an hour (doctor's appointment) either the computer system or the person in charge is counting that as a full day and since it was before a holiday she doesn't get paid for that (she had to work the day before and after to get paid).
Needless to say she's pissed and upset and going to talk to the principal at her school to get this all figured out but a little ~ma would be helpful.
t bangs head on desk
FINALLY! After three attempts at getting my books for school, I finally get a hold of someone who explains WHAT the issue is - mind you, there was NOTHING on my student page, etc to tell me what was wrong - and helps me get it straight only to find out that A) the college won't get the money until tomorrow, B) it takes 24 hours after that for the money to be transferred to the bookstore and finally c)the last day for processing books with financial aid is ....
We're gone all weekend. Grr.
Oh well. I get paid today and I'll go buy them tomorrow morning and then I'll reimburse myself when my refund check comes.
Just .. grrrr. Need my freaking books!!
One of the things is that for some reason since she was out for an hour (doctor's appointment) either the computer system or the person in charge is counting that as a full day and since it was before a holiday she doesn't get paid for that (she had to work the day before and after to get paid).
That's craxy.
Sending ~Ma
payroll~ma for askye's mom.
book~ma for Aimee.
Saturday the high temps are supposed to be in the NEGATIVE. And I lost a bet with DH so I have to carry firewood in. D'OH!
Cash, you getting tons of snow up there? I was hoping for the 3-5 inches for today, so I had an excuse to stay home. Got up with no snow and only 1-3 predicted. Dang.
We got a couple of inches, Sail. And it's snowing steadily right now. We'll probably get at least 4 inches, if it slows down. We have the same prediction for 3-6 inches.
Saturday the high temps are supposed to be in the NEGATIVE.
That's just wrong. We did get a fair amount of snow (AJC Readers' Pictures), but it's going to hit 40 today, so bye bye snow.
bah, I had a horrible dream that I'm still freaking about, and THEN I sat in my incredibly crowded train for an hour- was supposed to leave at 7:29, left after 8:30. I guess at least I wasn't outside, but STILL that sucks.