Lazy day. How is it last week Young Indiana Jones was 10 and traveling in India, and this week he's a young man courting pretty girls and off to find in the Belgium army? I do like this show. Rubs the history buff in me.
In other news... drill team porn
Very cool to watch. A lot of chevrons on those arms.
last night he came home with a bagful of groceries from 7-11. And I had to dig through my car for change to get breakfast this morning.
What? What an idiot! 7-11?!? Dude! That's paying way too much for junk food. Not like they have fresh food there. Oy. I say eat his crappy over priced food and call it "interest" for his late payments.
KT, how ya feeling? Better i hope. :: pats head ::
He keeps his food in his room. But yeah, it's time for the foot to come down. I'm telling him next time I see him that if he can afford to grocery shop at 7-11 he can afford to pay his bills when or (gasp!) before they are due. I'm letting him know that the next time he has a late payment he can vacate his room in 60 days. (is that too harsh? My sister's totally hot (but unfortunately straight) massage therapist/yoga instructor is desperately looking for a place.)
Thanks, Omnis. I am feeling better, but I have no energy. We grabbed lunch and (finally) went grocery shopping at TJ's, and now I feel like I've run a marathon. I'm all dizzy and crap. Blah. ND told me that I have to rest, so I'm back in bed. The sheets are in the washing machine, but I'm in bed.
ETA: Laga, 30 days is plenty, I think.
seekrit message to ND:
don't forget the tea and hair pats.
Laga, 30 days is plenty, I think.
right, yeah? That's CA law for people without a lease, no?
I'd say 30.
Does he get paid on a regular schedule? Can you push him for money on those days, regardless of whether you have a bill in hand?
I'm letting him know that the next time he has a late payment he can vacate his room in 60 days.
30 days, definitely no more. Because you know once you tell him that you aren't getting any more money out of him, I'm betting. No more bills, and only rent if you're lucky. So I'd tell him that the day AFTER he pays rent, if you're smart...
once you tell him that you aren't getting any more money out of him
that's a good point and I can't afford to pick up his slack on my own. Maybe I should conference with the other roommate before making ultimatums.