Why is watching a drill team so much fun? thanks, Laga.
Asthma is a sucky disease. I spent most of yesterday trying to figure out why I was so tired. Well, I wasn't breathing very well. today, it is still here, but at least I know what it is.
Matt if off visiting a friend then up to a guitar show. He suggested that I sand a wall. umm...asthma. and two, I am quite capable of comming up with my own work on days that he is playing , thank you very much. Silly boy.
A long time ago we got a new crane game along with a case full of Family Guy dolls which of course got loaded on the bottom so I have been waiting for someone to win enough Simpsons and The Wild toys so that I could get a crack at Brian. Well the other day someone managed to win him but they left him in the theatre. That means he's mine, right? I love a man dog in a tux.
He's totally yours, Laga. It's a job perk.
BOO cancer, totally.
The House of Reason needs this chair.
Laga, good luck with the roomie--sucks that he doesnt' have the money, but that doesn't mean you DO, eesh.
last night he came home with a bagful of groceries from 7-11. And I had to dig through my car for change to get breakfast this morning.
Well, that's his first problem. If he's buying "groceries" from 7-11, he isn't making wise decisions about frugality. 7-11 charges twice what regular supermarkets charge. He needs to go. Is he your only housemate?
I'm waiting to get my root canal. Yay!
But I have cute hair - I got the Katie Holmes cut, which is basically the Posh bob with bangs. I like.
But I have cute hair - I got the Katie Holmes cut, which is basically the Posh bob with bangs. I like.
You always have cute hair. Frankly, I think Katie Holmes and Posh have been copying you this year.
I wanted to *be* Samantha.
I'm not sure if I ever wanted to *do* her.
But she was really cute then. Yeah.
Early crushes:
Chris Reeve's Superman(which has all kinds of unintended irony now)
Jim Rockford(kinda never got over that one...the guys I like are always smartmouths, either because of Jim or because of:)
Han Solo.