Well, pics were of the non-asshate, so the situation was a wee bit entertaining. The other one is "going to start being here more full-time", so I'm glad I emailed someone about real estate options. Guess I'll need to Craigslist again too.
Now I'm still at the office trying to get the last records updated, and eating chocolate. Missed my opportunity to go the pool today, but there may be the possibility of the gym tomorrow.
I only watch local news if we are in a hurricane watch.
The Weather Channel can fill that role nicely. Except, if you have satellite TV, you don't get local weather (including local radar) during Local on the 8s.
I think I stood in a rat.
It probably was fruit but, if it wasn't, at least it was a dead rat.
My worst nightmare (which I thought of today because there was an odd noise in my backseat as I was driving home from work ... it turned out to be a water bottle rolling around) is that I am trapped in my car with a rat. On the highway. AIEEEEE
Work has gone by really quickly this week! Yay! Because I"ve been crazy busy. OTOH, the woman who is not my boss, but is vaguely in charge of me on my project, said she likes working with me, today, because I'm on top of things! WHEW! Because I have not been FEELING on top of things!
See, when I read "fountain of white stuff," the first place my mind went was not "I thought I was an android."
Me neither. And I"m not even straight.
Really? I just wanted to make a comment about the heartbreak of Thai elephant prostitution.
I just KNOW that Peruvian squirrel pimps are behind this somehow, and it's connected with a mallard snuff porn ring.
Hah! Frankenbudda with the old references FTW!
he is supportive IF he can set the timetable for the transition which would keep me dedicated on this contract through September
Dude. That's nine months from now. He can find a way to transition you off WAY quicker than that.
d, were they nudie pics OF YOU, or just random ones?
Lisa, I think I hate you. You have given me a NEW WORST NIGHTMARE
The Weather Channel can fill that role nicely.
The local weather people do a much better job when we have storms. They explain detail that the Weather Channel people don't touch. Far superior. And when we do have storms they don't talk about anything else, so safe to watch. No politics or bloody crime, just meteorological stuff. It's the thing they do right. (Miami local news called Katrina's wrath way before anyone else)
I just took out my upper ear (cartilage) piercings for the first time since I got each of them. I think the oldest is...almost 8 years old. And the most recent is probably four. It's very weird. (I'm getting a CT scan in the morning, and it said to take them out)
Edit: I'm also worried I wont' be able to get them back in, not because the holes will close up, but because the damn captive bead things are a pain to get in (but wonderful once they're set)
Huh. My SiL is applying to be a professional dominatrix. Because she likes the clothes and needs a job.
Because she likes the clothes and needs a job.
Gotta beat serving burgers and fries. Clothes are clearly better.
She would probably not have to wear a hat that's a cow. So that's good.
::boggles:: I take it she didn't find the job through the local Adeco office?
Local on the 8s.
I'm addicted to Local on the 8s and the Weather Channel in general. My love waxes and wanes, and I wish they covered, you know, all of North America, and the world, but hey; it's fun watching the weather if only to see when what just hit us, hits what, where afterward.